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Spider-Man POV

"There are other dimensions" Nick Fury was furious

"Yes, the dimension of dreams and others"

For those of you who just joined the party Doc. Strange just arrived and Nick Fury is popping an eyepatch trying to interrogate him.

"People can cross through these rifts like me, Spider-Man and Iron Fist did once" Doc. Strange continued "Five such people crossed over from their dimension"

"What!" Nick almost yelled "Why did you not tell us this before we could be tracking them" Nick really was popping an eyepatch now

"As soon as they entered I put tabs on them that Iron Fist can follow"

"Good" Nick said more relaxed now "Spider-Man you and the team are to capture them and bring them back to the tri-carrier"


"Did I stutter"


"Then have them back at the tri-carrier by tomorrow evening"

"Yes Sir"

Why in the world would Nick Fury want them captured? Oh well how tough can they be?

Oh Spider-Man if only you know too bad.

Wait know what?

You have the most annoying quality of showing up where you are most not wanted

It's a gift

Leave!!!!!!!!! *shoves Spider-Man away* See you later peeps

That sound like something Deadpool would say ahh!😵

Begone *puts force field around him* That's sorted. Now don't forget to check out OwlProtecter


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