Chapter 1: New Plan's and Old Friends (Unedited)

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0500 hours April 17th, 1961. Bay of Pigs, Cuba.

The thick white smoke filled the room from The bar mans cigar, it was slowly drifting up but didn't seem to to get any thinner, I could barely see a meter in front of me. A voice came from my right; "The police are gonna be here soon, lets make this quick", It was my oldest friend and most trusted companion  Sgt Frank Woods. The smoke started clearing as I began to see Woods face once more, he wore casual clothes this time though unlike his usual combat gear I have always seen him in, his beard getting longer and scruffier by the day just a bit longer than stubble though, and his hair, slightly sticking up a little from the weave of cloth wrapped around his head to catch the tiny trickles of sweat that came pouring from his head in the moist heat of this country, even at night the heat filled the air, but the bar mans smoke didn't much help the clamminess of the room, but his information was much more than enough help for me to not complain about his cigar.

Carlos the barman came over and leaned on his bar that Woods, Bowman and myself were sat at and began "Woods, it's been a while" Woods replies; "Long enough Carlos, you remember Bowman right?" as he gestures a small nod, Bowman returns a "Carlos" in his deep African American Accent and then Woods directs his attention onto me with his finger, "And this is Mason" I Nod my head and say "What's up Carlos" Carlos gives a brief nod when Woods continues a little more quietly now turning it into a whisper so the rest of the pub cannot hear except Carlos, Bowman and Myself. "So you got what we need?" Carlos pulls out a map from underneath his bar and discreetly slides it in front of Woods and says "He will be in here" Pointing at a small square on the map, "The Plantation, my old plantation" He continues, "Our attack on the airfield should distract them enough to....get you inside" Woods replies "What about the evac?" and Carlos quickly returns "We will have transport waiting for you, just be there" "Excellent" Woods replies.

The door to the pub comes swinging open. All the voices in the pub become silent as two men dressed in the Cuban police uniforms come slowly walking in, one holding the the military issued AK-47 Assault rifle behind the man with a holstered pistol on his side. The customers of the pub quickly but quietly begin leaving the pub groups of 4 or 5 at a time until it is only Carlos, Woods, Bowman, Myself and the two police officers at the door. Woods turns and smirks at me "We've got company" He whispers. One of the police officers approach me, the one without the rifle in his hands speaking Cuban directing whatever he's saying at me. He then say's in English "I said where you from?" In a deep disrespectful manner, Woods looks at me and I look back at him telling him :"Just be cool Wood's, Wait" The police officer now a meter from me and shouts "I'm talking to you!" And grabs my arm. I see the rage in Woods face as he quickly grabs the soldiers arm with his left hand, stabs his combat knife though the soldiers hand and then smashes a bottle straight through his face, the screams coming from the soldier were horrific but I did not phase them as I pulled out my sidearm and fired a bullet straight through the screaming Officers face putting him put of his misery and in a spit second fired another bullet putting the man with the rifle in the background on the floor without hesitation, I pulled the knife out from the officer now dangling from the bars hand so he drops to the floor and tosses the knife to woods and as I spin Carlos throws me an Assault rifle from behind the bar he had been conceiling for us now turning back to the door where Woods and Bowman are crouched each side of it looking through the window at the many bright lights from car sirens outside, but now us all holding assault rifles giving us more of a chance to take on whatever we have to face outside that pub door.

I look to my left at Carlos "Sorry about the bar Carlos" As he replied "Not a problem, my men will dispose of the bodies" A man on the microphone outside shouting something in Cuban trying to get our attention but it passes in one ear and out the other as we try and get in order to storm through the door and fight our way through the streets of Cuban military but really deep down we all know they are no match to our battle hardened special forces training we've practically been brought up with.

I walk over to the door as Bowman States "Occupants leaving their vehicles armed with shotguns." and Woods comes up with a quick last few seconds plan "Carlos, Bowman, lay them down with covering fire, we fight our way through the streets, Mason, on me" Now at Woods back he slowly creeps open the door as I load my grenade launcher on the under-barrel of my rifle getting ready to fire it at the nearest vehicle I lay my eyes upon. "Lets go" woods says as he swings open the door and the covering fire from Carlos and Bowman makes all the soldiers outside duck down cowering behind their vehicles as I fire my grenade launcher at them blowing up 2 vehicles and sending bodies and shrapnel flying in every direction. I stay at Woods back shooting all the remaining police outside the bar, as we start making our way up the street we see more sirens of stopped police cars and soldiers getting ready to fire at the first clean shot at us they get, we all get down behind a wall and then all come up at the same time walking up the street slowly, firing at the police not letting go of the trigger once until we need to reload, but by that time all the rest of the soldiers  were dead, All of us now Running up the street we see about 6 or 7 police cars come to a stop 10 meters in front of us ahead and a barrage of bullets flying in our direction Bowman shouts "Reinforcements" and Woods Replies with "that way" pointing down an alley, we all change course and go running down the alley to find a parked car Carlos left for our escape to the airfield, I get in the driver seat, Woods in the passenger seat and Bowman in the the back seat, Carlos comes close to the window, still amazed he is still alive say's "I will meet you at the airfeild my friends, Good luck" and goes running down another road away from the military and before being able to reply with anything Woods shouts"Hit it, Go!" as I put the gear stick into reverse, drive into a small parking space outside of someones house, put the car into gear and drive up the road I was already on but the other direction. "Get the fuck out of our way" Woods shouts at the civilians out the window of the car as it picks up speed, We see the Sirens flashing once again in the distance and bullets flying at us once more as the bullets Pierce the windscreen luckily missing up but cracking it making it impossible to see through. I shouted "get down!" as more bullets come flying at us but not taking my foot off the accelerator pedal, things feeling as if they are going in slow motion from the Adrenalin pumping through my body. We all then come back up trying to see through the windscreen, Woods puts his feet on it pushing if off the car allowing me to see again as I drive even faster through the small street, Bowman shouts in the back "Road block ahead", I reply "I see it" And then woods shouts "Floor it Mason!" As I hold the accelerator feeling no fear, no guilt from all the soldiers I've killed, nothing. and My vision once again turned white as I faded away from that moment and back into the present.

I Opened my eyes once more to find that I was passed out, long gone from that interrogation room, I don't even know if I had died there for a very short time but all I knew now was I was once again in that room and I wasn't getting out unless I gave them what they wanted or I let myself just slip away into the death that was so subtly trying to take me away from this place that I just could not stand any longer. The interrogators voice I could hear slightly in the back of my mind saying "He's fading away. Mason! You had escaped from the police. The Bay of Pigs invasion had begun. You were heading for Castro's compound." I felt my mind just slowly slip away from what was reality once more as I heard the voice now very quietly in the back of my mind "We're losing him. Do it again, we have no choice". I feel that pain again, that electric magnitude, pulse through my body again Making me scream like I have done so many times before, "What...the......fuck!....." I scream out as everything goes white again and I miserably drift into the past once more.

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