Chapter 1

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My family lives in a small home near the T tower. (The Titans have an underground base since they're more...hunted than the Teen Titans.) It only has two bedrooms, so Hale and I have to share a room. I don't really mind.

My friends--Hero, Jackle, and Hoyle--all live in the T tower. They said that their parents kicked them out, but I knew they were all lying to me. I've never said anything about it; if they want to lie, that's their business.

Right now, we're taking Hale on as an apprentice. We're teaching him the basics of teamwork, self defense, et cetera. It's hard work for all of us, but he gives 110% all the time.

He can't officially be a Teen Titan until he's thirteen. Three and a half more years. But in three and a half more years, I'll be nineteen, closing in on twenty. And then I'll qualify to be a Titan.

The thought is so exciting it shatters the lightbulb in my lamp.

"Honey, did you break another lamp?"

I roll my eyes at the sound of my mother's chiding, expecting voice. "Sorry, Mom, I'll clean it up!" I call through my door. Grumbling, I pick up the shards of powdery glass then throw it down a portal that will probably lead to nowhere. I grab my green boots and tug them on, along with my green gloves and belt. From old pictures, I guess you could say I look like she did, just without the dreary cape and short hair. I have the same diamond on my forehead to represent my Third Eye chakra. I haven't reached my Crown chakra yet, but I'm getting there. I just need more meditation.

As I pass the mirror on my way out, I notice my hair has yet again shifted to green. Hooray, my favorite.

"Hey, I'm going to the tower," I announce when I pass Mom and Dad.

"Hold it."

I grimace and pause, repressing a groan. "Sir?"

Dad's voice is deep, and it basically causes friggin' earthquakes in your chest when he speaks. "Is your room clean?" he asks.

"Yes, sir."

"You're going straight to the tower?"

Duh. Where else would I go? "Yes, sir."

"What time will you be back?" Mom asks this time.

"I don't know," I answer honestly. Their questions are a little confusing. Why are they acting like this all of a sudden?

"Then your curfew tonight is six. If you aren't in the house by then, you're grounded."

I whip around, a little outraged. "Why?" I wonder. "My curfew has always been ten o'clock."

Mom presses her lips together, and then I instantly know. "Oh," I whisper.

Yesterday, a man by the name of Shadow escaped from a high-security prison. Last informed, he might have been seen exiting Gotham City, in the direction of Jump City. He was considered--is considered--highly dangerous, even by The Titans.

"I'll be fine," I smile. "I can handle myself. Love you."

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