"He knew I was his sister and our father took that away from us..."

"Lets see if we can go deeper..."

I found myself wincing in great pain as a terrible headache came on in my mind.

"It hurts Nighty!"

"Move aside." Steve said.

When I blinked I was dizzy and my vision was blurred like I was a baby, but I saw Steve turn his eyes and hair black as he put on a Voidian crystal.

"You're Voidian too?"

"Yes my princess." He said as he stared into my eyes and played back a deeper thought.

The pain suddenly stopped and I felt colder hands holding me.

"No... NO!"

I saw my father Sudulin, and the pain of him gripping my skull.

"You little... SUNSHINE!"

I saw a blur of yellow.

"Yes father?"

"Take this..... thing to the surface world, and find the white enderman. He'll know what to do."

"Okay father."

I shook my head to get out of it.

"Well?" Steve asked.

"I know how... The sound... It was calm and silent but it was there..."

"I'll come with you, what is it?"

I looked at him.

"The sound of silence. Its everywhere there... Time for me to go now, and finish what my father started between us."

Imagining silence was difficult, but when I listened closely to my surroundings. I knew it was everywhere. Even you can hear it, the emptiness of the sound of silence.

"Shes actually doing it!" I heard Steve as his voice drained away and I could hear nothing except silence.

((Yes this is where that thingy next time on jessiebrine stuff starts, its not the exact same words but its the same type of concept ect ect...))

I held my breath as I walked around the creepy texture of the Void, people stared at me as I walked around. They all had black skin, everything about them was black except their iris's which were all different shades of colors. It looked like a large rainbow of eyes were staring at me.

Then, was when I saw him walking through the crowded people. Sudulin, The King Of The Void and my father. We both stared at each other then he spawned a Voidian sword in his hand. Those swords were of grand make by the finest blacksmiths in all the worlds. So it seemed like a shame it would be destroyed if he crossed me, almost made me shed a tear.

"Sovaya Voidian...." He gruffly said.

I spawned both Red and Dark matter swords, red on the left, Dark on the right.

"Father... Even though I shouldn't be calling you that after what you've done!"

He smirked.

"I can't believe your this clueless for whats actually happening to you... And yes I've heard everything from old friends in Minecraftia and all worlds directly connected to it. Queen Of The Nether... Queen Of All Minecraftia... And I'm guessing the next one you're going to add to the list... Is Queen Of The  Void."

"What is happening that I need to know about?"

"I..." He slowly turned into his final form. "Will die first BEFORE TELLING YOU!"

"Then die fool!"

We ran at each other, blade to blade, Voidian to Voidian, father to daughter. He was difficult to over power, but eventually after a hard blow with one blade to his. The sword he was using broke in half like I thought it would, and not even a dent in the dark matter sword either.

He stumbled back, and stared at me as I drove my swords into his chest.

Sudulin smiled as he dropped the broke hilt of the great sword he was using before.

"The secret will die with me, for now. But one day, you'll know the hard way... I love you sweetie... Why do you think I let you win?"

I furrowed my brow trying to figure out what he said. I looked at the broken sword and saw that it broke in a fine line, not a rugged edge. He tampered with his own sword so I could win? In his final moments, I saw him look behind me and smile. When I turned around, there was two cloaks of the same color moving away from our position.

Before I could ask him who it was my father was gone, and the souls that he had in his crystal went into mine and then my horns grew (yes they're badass and have horns) into the royal crown for Voidian Queens.

The people around me gathered in a circle then all went down on one knee. I despawned my swords since I knew what this meant.

Suddenly they all said together.

"We are the Voidians and we wish our newly appointed Queen rulety of this realm and all children bore of her. Long live our Queen Sovaya Voidian, ruler of the Void, and bringer of end times. May she use her immortality wisely and pass down our traditions one generation to the next."

I knew tradition. They had appointed me as Queen, this was my coronation from princess to Queen.

"All rise." I spoke, and now I needed to make a vow to my people as their new Queen. 

"As Queen of this realm, I know that we have been cut off from the Surface World due to a serial immortal killer by the name of Repose. So I plan to re open the portal, he is no longer a threat. Trade will continue with the Surface like it used to. I will make everyone free to do as they please but laws will still prevail, especially the ones I agree with. I vow..." 

I paused to think.

They all leaned forward slightly.

"That when trade is reestablished! This city's coin will flow cyan blue!"

Everyone clapped.


Lets just say, I was never more scared in my entire life.

Jessiebrine-2-The New BeginingWhere stories live. Discover now