Chapter Twenty-One

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"The youthful boy below who turned your way and saw
Something he was not looking for: both a beginning and an end
But now he lives inside someone he does not recognize
When he catches his reflection on accident"
                              Death Cab For Cutie, Plans
"Brothers On A Hotel Bed"

Alec lashed out at an attacker. They had figured out that Alec was the fastest and strongest and were trying to take him out. He was surrounded, had nowhere to go, and reinforcements had come so everyone had their own person to fight. One attacker threw a punch that Alec ducked out of the way of. The punch slammed into the other attacker that Alec had ducked behind. That was one down and somewhere around four or five more to go.

He kicked one in the stomach and they doubled over but attacked again. They grabbed Alec's foot when he kicked again and Alec fell at the loss of balance. When he was down he snatched at the legs of another attacker and yanked, they fell with a thud and didn't move again. Standing quickly, Alec threw a punch at his first attacker and the man's nose exploded in a show of scarlet and Luke jumped into the fight and tore at the man's throat.

"I thought you needed a little help." Luke said a little winded as he lunged at the last one. Alec muttered a thanks as Luke spit out the blood in his mouth. Luke smiled. His teeth were bloody and his fangs were digging into his lower lip but that didn't stop him from smiling at the victory.

Finally, they took down all of the reinforcements and the others walked over.

All except for Peter that is.

Alec took a head count. 'Sam, Iris, Cass, Luke, Finn- no Peter?!'

"Where's Peter?" Alec asked and looked to the others for clarification. None had an answer. "No one knows?" Alec said after a few long seconds.

"One of the Servator must have sent out a message to get him." Finn stated.

"Goddamn it. We've lost the element of surprise and now we're down a fighter. Which means we're also going to need to make a pit stop to find him!" Alec was shouting now, he was pissed. Alec started walking towards the entrance they were going to use. He pointed at Cass and she stepped forward and broke the security system.

"Security forces are down for the count." She said and pushed open the door. Her hand was rested on the scabbard that her blade was hidden inside of.

"Finn, you get Sam to the control center. You know where it is. And use a glamour to hide you two from sight if you need to." Alec said and the two took off down a hall. "Cass, you know what to do." She nodded, sat down, and started messing with the security systems even more.

"You're changing the plans slightly." Luke said.

"Yes, I am." Alec said and turned to Iris. "Iris, would you be a dear and go take out those guards up there?" She nodded and took off running down the hall in the opposite direction from where Finn and Sam went.

"And what are we going to do?" Luke asked with a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

"We're going to find Peter. Working together just like old times, eh?" Alec smiled slightly despite his fear for Peter.

"Yeah, except I'm not the leader of the New York vampire clan anymore." Luke said without looking at Alec.

"Really? What happened?"

"I got booted for that. But enough about that. I think you want to find your boyfriend." Alec looked at Luke and opened his mouth to reply but didn't know what to say.

There was a scream.

Alec knew the voice anywhere. He could identify it from a mile away.


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