"i know if i argue it will be no use so okay then." kendall said following maddie up to her room.

when maddie and kendall got upstairs, maddie immediately digging through her closet trying to find the 'perfect' bathing suit.

kendall watched as maddie silently cursed at her self for a reason nobody but maddie will know.

"here kend. its the same one you wore last time." maddie said throwing the coral flounce cut out bikini at her with the matching coral bottoms.

"thanks." kendall said as she walked to maddies connecting bathroom to put the bathing suit on.

when kendall came out, maddie had finally decided on her bathing suit which was a simply teal bathing suit with lace embroidering on the bottoms.

"you ready to go?" maddie asked as kendall slipped on a chevron sun dress.

"yep." kendall said grabbing her bag and running down to the car.

these were the moments that kendall wished that she wasn't born in December.

five minutes later, maddie finally came running out of the house with her hair in a messy bun.

as maddie started the car, kendall turned on the radio to find out that her favourite song was playing.

kendall immediately started to sing along while maddie had no clue what song she was singing to.

when the song died down, maddie changed the radio station.

"hey! i was listening to that." kendall exclaimed.

"this is my car and im driving. i make the radio station choices." maddie said humming to the song.

after driving for fifteen minutes, they finally arrived at the beach.

kendall ran out of the car with her bag down to the water, with maddie slowly following her.

as soon as kendall was laying down on her towel, maddie exclaimed that she wanted to go to the cliff.

"really? i just laid down." kendall said sitting up from her towel.

"yes really. lets go." maddie said skipping away towards the cliff.

kendall sighed as she got up to follow maddie.

"oww, maddie my feet hurt." kendall complained as they made there way up to the cliff.

"just keep walking kend. were almost there." maddie said not turning back to face kendall.

after about a good 3 minutes of walking, kendall had shared several curse words, step on three pebbles and they were almost at the top.

"wow, look how pretty it is kend." maddie said in awe of the beautiful view in front of they.

"ugh maddie. my feet really hurt." kendall said still complaining about her feet.

"um mads, what are you doing?" kendall asked as maddie took off her cover up to reveal her bathing suit.

maddie gave her the duh facial. when kendall still didnt get it, maddie told kendall her master plan.

"im going to jump, and your going to jump with me." maddie said grabbing kendalls hand.

"oh no. no. n to the o." kendall said grabbing her hand from maddie and stepping back.

"oh yes. yes. y to the es." maddie said grabbing kendalls hand back and pulling her to the edge of the cliff with her.

"maddie. i really do not want to do this. do you not have the word no in your vocab?" kendall asked arguing with her best friend.

"nope. only when it comes from me." maddie exclaimed looking down over the edge.

"ugh, theres no way im going to get out of this am i?" kendall asked pouting like a three year old.

"nope. now lets jump! its only like 15 feet."

"fifteen!? thats crazy!" kendall screamed at her friend.

"too bad lets jump." maddie said looking more excited then kendall had ever seen.

"fine." kendall huffed grabbing maddies hand and looking over the ledge.

"three. two. one.."

a/n: THE END!!! omg this book is over! sorry if you guys think this is a crappy ending. this is how i planned to end the book.

good news is that i have a new book to write. its a murder mystery called innocence. please check it out.

thanks for reading jump. i hope you liked it.


word count ~> 1218

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