s e v e n

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published ~> august 18 2015

finished ~> august 18 2015


"so kend, what are we planing to do today?" maddie asked playing with her new manicure.

"i dont know. what do you want to do?" kendall asked putting her phone down on her lap.

"we could go to this party on-" maddie started but kendall interrupted.

"no, no more parties. no, no, no, no, and to make myself one hundred percent clear, no." kendall said.

"fine." maddie said falling on to her bed.

after several minutes of hard thinking, the girls came to the conclusion of that they needed a snack.

when they went down stairs, kendall didn't see the small rubber ball on the step.

as she got to it, her foot went out from under neath her. she fell backwards on to the steps she just passed, and slid down the stairs.

when kendall reached the bottom of the stairs, she looked up at maddie to find her laughing her head off.

"its not funny, it really hurt." kendall said but started to laugh with maddie, taking the hand that maddie held out for her.

"but yet, it was."

"no, it was not."

"okay, fine. maybe it wasn't." maddie said laughing.

when kendall grabbed maddie's hand, she ended up falling backwards once again, which ended up with maddie laying on top of kendall with both brunettes laughing.

when the two finally managed to stand up, they totally forgot about why they were downstairs.

since they forgot what they were doing, they decided on ordering a pizza (which is what they were planing to do in the first place).

"what kind of pizza do you want?" maddie asked putting a hand on the phone.

"you know the answer to that." kendall said not looking up from her phone.

"okay. could i have a medium pepperoni pizza with creamy garlic dip. could i also have two cans of ice tea. yes that will be all. 45 sound wood drive. thanks." maddie said into the phone.

after maddie and kendall waited for 10 minutes (but to them it felt like 6000299939), the pizza guy finally arrived with the order.

when maddie paid the pizza guy kendall immediately grabbed the box out of maddies hands and rushed to the table to dig in.

by the time maddie got there, kendall had eaten almost three slices of pizza and half the dip. yet the can of ice tea was still untouched.

"are you going to save any for me?" maddie asked as she watched kendall devour her third slice of pizza.

"sorry, i haven't eaten since last night." kendall said with pizza in her mouth.

maddie laughed and picked up a slice of pizza.

after maddie and kendall had finished the pizza, maddie scrolled through her Instagram and found something to do.

"o. m. g. kendall. i know what we are going to do today." maddie said excitedly as she looked up from her beat up iphone 6.

"and what is this crazy idea that comes from your glorious iphone."

"we are going to go to this like amazing cliff down by the beach." maddie said grabbing kendalls arm and pulling her up and out of the chair.

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