Lost Memories... Sanji is a cry baby...

Start from the beginning

"Are you okay, Sanji-kun?" Nami asked while she held her husband's hand tight.

Sanji lifted his head to look at her. Staring at her for a couple of minutes. Finding out how worried she was, though there was nothing to be worried about.

"See Nami-san, like I always told you that I am fine. Absolutely fine... so you don't need to worry so much about me because I am shitty strong," Sanji assured. Giving his seductive wink.

"Baka. Don't do that... you are not cute," Nami chuckled. Launching her soft punch on his shoulder.

"Awww~ you hurt my feelings Nami-swaan," Sanji awed. Kept sticking his face on her smooth face.

"Stop it... your face is rough!" Nami giggled. Using her hands to push Sanji's away.

"But I like to do it~ my Nami-swaan," Sanji snickered. Snaking beside his wife.

'For God sake just find a room!' the small doctor, Chopper whispered. Gapping while looking at his two nakama.

"Do you hear what your doctor had said?" Nami asked, doing her very best to get her husband attention.

"Hai Nami-swaan~"

"From now on you need to rest, I am banning you from entering your kitchen, just let me, your wife handle everything. Understand Sanji-kun?" Nami commanded, pointing her index finger directly on him.

"Hai my goddess!" Sanji saluted like he was a sincere knight in a shining armor in front of a mighty queen. With bunches of heart shape kept circling round his eyes and head.

Suddenly, the door creaked open. Stepping inside a very timid woman. She was wearing her doctor gown with her mouth curved into a smile, bending a little just to greet them.

"Sorry for the sudden interruption but Sanji-san, it is time for Nami-san examination," the woman said shyly. She was also a doctor, it was so obvious based on her cloth.

"Oh that's only mean, everything is already prepared. Right, doctor Kaya?" Chopper asked, looking at his fellow doctor.

"Indeed, but there is only one missing and that is Nami-san presence," Kaya said. Slowly shifting her gaze to look at Nami, giving her warmth smile.

"If that's the case then please take care of my wife for me, Kaya-chan," Sanji informed.

"Yes, of course, after all she is Nami-san, the woman I always admire," Kaya stated.

Nami was really confused. She wondered on what was happening, on what the hell they were talking about.

Nami just stood there while exchanging her gaze between each of them. But suddenly, "Wait, wait a minute... I really don't know what you guys are talking about. As I still remember, we are here in this place because of my husband. He is the one who need to face what you had said examination because of his condition not me. In fact, I do not have any illness so there is no reason for me to be examined. Get it?"

"Nami-san, please just do what they said. We must need to obey our doctors," Sanji pleaded. Rubbing her shoulder softly just to reduce her not yet fully create anger.

"Obey for what? I do not have illness, Sanji-kun!" Nami huffed, smacking her husband's hand away.

"Just... please Nami-san," Sanji pleaded again.

"Nami-san, it will never be too long and this is for your health. So, please you need to come with me," Kaya assured. She also tried to hold her but Nami kept opposing her, by shoving her hand away.

"I do not have illness so what are you talking about? Moreover you are just a doctor so when your patience said you need to stop you must stop!" Nami spited, kept doing anything just to push Kaya away from her.

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