"I don't have to tell you anything, you came here to answer my questions not the other way around." I pointed out. I was quite proud for saying that without stuttering but my victory was short lived. "I don't have to answer anything if I don't want to." He replied letting go of my face. There were tingles where his fingers had just been.

"You owe me at least this." I claimed "After all you have put me through, I deserve to know what's going on." I answered and my voice sort of cracked, I knew he didn't have to be here but he was. I looked down again, unable to meet his gaze once again. 

"I'm sorry, you're obviously confused but I can't tell you much right now. I will however tell you more when the time is right." I sighed knowing that he wasn't going to tell me all the things that I wanted to know just the necessary. "Okay, fine" I agreed. 

"I can't do anything though until you tell me about your nightmares." He declared. I looked at him once before shaking my head "No." 'Tell him' The voice in my head chimed in, siding with him but I ignored it. "Then I can't answer anything." He stated simply. "Hey you know that's not fair!" I exclaimed. Why was he so insistent in knowing about my nightmares?  

"Who said I was playing fair?" He contradicted and I groaned in exasperation. "Okay fine." I muttered and I saw a mile flash across his face but it soon fell,"Don't answer anything, I'll just ask someone who will. I can figure this out on my own." I finished stubbornly. Of course there was actually no one that would help me with this at least not someone I  knew.

He groaned frustrated and then I felt the warm touch of his fingers as he held my face, "Tell me." He demanded looking right into my eyes.His eyes seemed to have turned into a darker color. 'Tell him, tell him, tell him,tell him" The voice chanted quite trancingly  and I felt different. I felt like I was somewhere else, obviously I was still in my body but not where I had been seconds ago, it's like something, no someone else had taken over my body and I was left powerless and in no control.Like in the nightmares, just in the background like I was watching from a distance but I knew for a fact that it was me.

I could hear my voice, as it spilled every single detail from my nightmare. It didn't even crack when I went into a detailed description of my father's death, how it all went down. I could see Toby's expression as I told him of everything that had happened,every single agonizing detail. He listened intently but he would not look away from my eyes as if he was aware of the control he had over me.

For every word I could hear myself say there was a stab and each one cut deeper into me and just when I thought I would die I had finished and I was in control again, of my actions and my body. Instantly I pushed his hands off my face and my knees came up to my chest as the tears poured out freely down my face. I wasn't even embarrassed that Toby was here listening to me cry.

I felt a pair of arms around me pulling me, I knew they belonged to Toby. He pulled me next to him and hugged my shaking frame, I felt comfort instantly and there was this sense of security. His arms felt like cages that were keeping me safe from whatever was out there, it was as if he knew exactly what was happening.Although I felt hurt from remembering I have to admit I also felt a huge sense of relief. It felt like a ton had been lifted off my shoulders.

Once I had stopped crying I blushed once I realized how close to Toby I had gotten, I was sitting on his lap with my cheek pressed to his chest. I could hear his heartbeat drum calmly but I knew if he heard mine it would be drumming away fast, it was then that I could feel all the heat radiating from his body and onto mine which explained why I wasn't cold.

I looked up and saw him staring down at me and I could feel another blush creeping into my face. Awkwardly, I moved from his arms and stood up making my way to the door. "Where are you going?" He asked and I turned back "I'm um going to get you some ice for that." I answered pointing to his forehead where the brush had landed.

He chuckled "Sky, that's not really needed." but I still went to the kitchen and got him some ice.Truth was, I needed some time to regain my composture and my mind.My heartbeat needed to calm down too, it was racing like crazy and I thought I might just die from a heart attack that the guy upstairs was giving me. I knew though that there was no point for this thought seeing as just one look at him  would get me this way.

"Sky get yourself together girl. Calm calm calm.' I whispered to myself as if words would actually help me. I glanced at the clock on the tiny, glass table that was in the middle of the living room, It read 2:15 a.m. I rolled my eyes, great time for him to come only he would do it. Finally deciding that I had been downstairs for too long I grabbed the icepack and took it with me and tiptoed back upstairs.

I almost had a heart attack when I heard a noise followed by footsteps so I pressed myself against one of the walls just like I had seen in the spy movies, closing my eyes and praying that Aunt Linda wouldn't see me.Once I was sure that she had gone into her room I continued my silent walk to my room. 

Once in my room I closed  the door and wipped the fake sweat off my forehead.I heard Toby chuckle and it was then that I remembered the icepack in my hand. I went over to him and pressed it to his forehead gently. "Thanks." He whispered and all I could do was nod. He grabbed the icepack from me his fingers touching mine. 

His hand was hot, like a fever kind of hot."Are you okay?" I asked pressing my hand against his forehead like Aunt Linda would do when I was sick. His forehead was just as hot, he was burning up."Yeah why?" He asked confused. "Well I think you have a fever Toby. Do you want any pills, I think I have some around here." I answered looking for them in my bedside table.

"No Sky, thanks though but it's better if I leave,"He stated and I watched as he went over to the open window before jumping from it. I could not stop the yelp that came out of my mouth, what if he landed on his foot or worse yet what if he broke his neck or...I watched in shock as he landed perfectly on his feet and with a barley audible thud.

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