missing you

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missing you

Connor sighed, pulling the throw blanket closer to his body. He laid on the couch, huffing quietly with an almost permanent pout covering his lips. And the only person who could fix that pout was Troye, his boyfriend of 6 months, that lived across the globe.

It was a cold January morning, and Connor was all alone, cuddled up on the couch. He had a cold, and he didn't feel like dealing with hardly anyone today. He pulled the slightly larger jumper over his nose, breathing in the scent. It was one of Troye's sweatshirts that he snatched before he left Perth. He wore it a lot, especially when he was missing him. Which was all the time.

Connor grabbed his phone off of the table, checking through all of his social media. He sighed again, before writing out a short and simple tweet, but it meant a lot to him. The tweet read, "i'd give anything to be with you."

Thirty minutes after going through all of his texts, his phone vibrated. He automatically picked it up. The name 'troye boy 💛' flashed on the screen. A text, finally.

'hey, baby. are u awake? and how are u feeling?💓' The text read, since it was 9 am in Los Angeles, and right around 10 pm in Perth. Connor of course had told Troye how he was feeling when it first started.

Connor grinned automatically, texting him back quickly. 'not that great. ontop of feeling like shit, i miss you way too much. 😔💙'

The typing bubbles popped up, as Connor anxiously waited for a text back. He had been feeling like death for quite a while now, almost a week.

His phone vibrated again. 'im sorry to hear that, dear.. maybe u'll get to feeling better soon. and maybe you'll see me again soon.😥💖'

'i hope so.💓' He responded. Connor groaned, putting his phone down and wiping his eyes. 30 minutes passed, and no answer. Troye must have gone to bed, He thought to himself, before sighing. Another 30 minutes passed, as Connor constantly checked his phone just in case he didn't get the notification. His eyes stared blankly at the tv, sniffling a couple of times.

Knock. Knock. Connor sat up slowly, looking over at the door. He furrowed his eyebrows, before standing up slowly. He shuffled towards the door, sniffling again. Connor opened the door, revealing a very familiar, tall and skinny boy.

It was Troye.

Connor's eyes widened, almost instantly wrapping his arms tightly around the figure standing in front of him. Troye squeezed him just as tight, refusing to let him go.

"I can't believe it. You flew all the way out from Australia, and somehow didn't send me texts complaining about how long it was taking, or even tell me that you were coming?" Connor said, laughing quietly. He was still astounded.

"Yes, I did. And guess who's staying with you the next two weeks?" He pulled back to get a good look at Connor, who was pale and his eyes grey.

Although his throat was in slight pain, he squealed anyway. "Ugh, I want to kiss you so bad right now." He giggled, pulling away from the tight hug, and grabbing Troye's suitcase for him.

Troye pushed the suitcase away, before lifting Connor's chin with his finger to connect their lips. It caught Connor off guard, but he kissed back

"I love you, Con." Troye mumbled against his boyfriend's lips.

"I love you too."

aYYYO so i haven't updated in a month ooPs and this is kinda short oh well anyways..
thanks for reading!

vote, comment feedback maybe??
tumblr - cuteliltroye
love youuuu lil munchkins <333

- kylie

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