Chapter 8

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Olivia's POV
When I woke up I had a splitting headache , I rolled over and seen that it was 9:23 .. Shit .. I jump and looked at my phone I had 3 missed called form fin, 2 missed called for Amanda , and 1 message form Nick, I rush into the my bathroom , and when I look in the mirror I am shocked I look like hell .. Look at my check and see the mark that Ian left and then I look at my wrist and see the bruise he left as well .. I took the bandage of my knuckles , they were red and bruised well there is no way of hiding the bruises  .. After I get done doing my makeup I make my way into my room to get dressed.. I just put on some black khakis  and a blue blouse .. As I was making my way to the kitchen I checked on Noah and he was fast asleep I gave him a kiss on his check and went into the living room , Lucy was still asleep on the cough before I left I wort a note to Lucy telling her that I left for work and that she can have the weekend off since I was off and then I left

When I walked Fin jumped up and walked over to me
" Hey baby Girl , u had us worried "
"Sorry Fin , had a really rough night and slepted through my alarm.."
"Is everything Okia"
" umm, it is now "
"Can I talk to you in your office " I knew he seen my wrist and knuckles and he was gonna ask about them
"Sure " when we got into my office I put my stuff down on my desk and sat down
"It was Ian wasn't it " he was pissed .. Everyone knew about Ian since he used to hit me a lot so everyone figured it out and the were there for me
"Yeah it was ,but I took care of it "
"Yeah I can tell, Liv what happened " he was refuting to my knuckles
"He was at my house when I got home , I don't know what he was doing there but he was scaring Lucy I told her to go give Noah a bath and he said that her missed me and wanted to get back together , I told him that I didn't , cuz I don't I don't want to be in a relationship where he beats me , and when I told him that I didn't , I went to walk off them the grab my wrist and left this bruise , I told him to to let me go and then he slapped me it left a big mark but after he slapped me I lost it I started punching him over and over until Lucy came out and was calling my name " I was sobbing now .. Fin walked over to me and hugged me
"Everything will be Okia baby girl , I'm sure u beating the shit out of him lets him know that ur done with him and he won't come back "
"Thank Fin " I say released mg from the hug "
Fin leaves , I wipe the tears off my face and sit down trying to calm down...
      It was later in the day we haven't had much cases today and the once we did the were just and open and close .. It was around 5 I was in my office felling out some  paperwork before my weekend off when the was a light knock on the door .. Amanda walked in
       "Hey sarge , sorry to bother you but there are kinds asking for you "
     "Wait- what "
      "About 5 kids are asking for you or Elliot "
  5 kids , wait could it be- nahh it's not them
      "Alright Amanda , send them in"
      " gotcha"
  I waited for the kids to come in and when my office door open I was shocked as hell .. My mouth dropped open and my eyes got big
" Olivia "
" Maureen " I can tell she has been crying and so has the others .. I stand up and walk over to them "what are you guys doing here "
" umm mom doesn't want us anymore "
" what do you mean she doesn't want yall anymore.??"
"After awhile she stop coming home at nights and
sh-she stopped caring about us , I had to drop out of college and get a job to take care of them , and yesterday she handed me this letter and told me to go find my dad and don't come back " she said handing me a letter .. I opened it and it was giving Elliot his parental rights back with an attached note that said " Elliot , I can't do this anymore I'm tired of being tired all the time and I'm sick of taking care of your kids , you can have them back I don't want them anymore and hopefully you can take better care of them now then you did before .." Wow.. I can't believe what I'm seeing , would she really do this to the kids .. I look up and see Eli asleep on Lizzie's chest and Dickie standing beside her .. Maureen and Kathleen both had red puffy eyes and they looked exhausted ..
"When was the last time you guys eat "
"Umm yesterday around breakfast , why" answered Kathleen
"How about we get you guys something to eat , I'll order Chinese , how does that sound"
"No, Liv you don't have to do that "Maureen protests
"Umm who ever said this was up for discussion .. I'll go order the food and call your dad " I said putting my hand on Maureen's shoulder giving her a light smile ..
" Thank Liv , really " she said smiling back
" no problem , how about you guys go to the cribs and get some rest until the food gets here .."
    "Alright "
I walk them to the cribs and let them get situated and I sit with them for a lil until there all asleep .. I walk back into the squad room and go to Fins desk..
     "How come there here"
     "Seems like Kathy abandoned them"
     " What" he says jumping out of his chair
     "Who's Kathy" sonny asked
     "Elliot's ex-wife"
     "They got divorced ..?"said Fin with his mouth open
     "Yeah when he left SVU they split and she took the kids and left out of the state and Elliot haven't saw his kids since , he has talked to them and FaceTimed them but haven't had a face to face convo with them In 4 years"
      "DANG" Amanda said
      "Well speaking of Elliot I gotta go call him , hey fin can you order some Chinese for the kids , my card is in my purse and you guys get you something to , I want my usual .."I say walking off
   I went into an empty interrogation room and dialed Elliot's number .. I took in a deep breath and released it .. It rang two times before he picked up
   "Hey Liv"
   "Elliot I need you to come down the the precinct" what do you guys think of it so far .. And yeah Ik I changed the story about Elliot and his kids but I didn't want Kathy in this and I wanted her to be a bad person so... Lol please leave comments and tell me what you think ..😘😘

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