5 Inches Longer

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I jumped off my bed. This was the morning I was so thrilled for.

I grabbed all my makeup bags and my Eid dress and went to the bathroom.

After 5 hours, I was ready. Yes... I take 4 hours to shower, put on a dress, and perfect my hair and makeup.

"Eid Mubarak!" my older brother, Sami, said as he hugged me.

He hugged me 3 times, and then handed me $50. This was one of the joys of Eid.

"YAY, thank you biya!" (biya means brother)

I walked into our dining room to find so many different kinds of sweets. Chocolate cupcakes, strawberry cheesecake, apple pie, it was literally like a mini heaven.

"I AM SO EXCITED!" I yelled as I tried a slice of each dessert.

"Me too," my mom smiled.

My mom wore a gorgeous red salwar kameez. She suggested we go to the backyard and take some pictures.

As I walked down the backyard steps, I tripped on my dress.

"Hazel!" my mom rushed over to me.

"Owwww," I whined.

"Be careful!" my mom said, warned.


After a while, our first guests arrived. I rushed to my room to wrap my sequenced hijab (headscarf).

As i ran downstairs, i tripped on her dress and fell down the stairs. Everything blacked out.

After what had felt like 5 hours, i woke up to see my family dressed in their Eid clothes staring at me.

"Are you alive?" asked Ahmed, my 5-year-old brother.

I got up and realized that I  was lying down in the sofa

in the center of 6 other families.

my cheeks turned cherry red and her eyes widened.

The aunties started giggling.

I went up to my room to find my older cousins and my friends chatting on my  bed.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?!" asked Arianna, her eldest cousin.

"No, but like seriously, like wat happened?" said Maliha

"I heard you tripped on your dress!" yelled 5-year-old Tina.

"Im fine," I said.

For some reason, I had to hold my dress as I walked.

I looked down to see my dress 5 inches longer than it was the day before.

What happened?!!

"That dress is hot, but it ain't your size," said Maliha.

"I ddd..don't... get it," I stuttered.

"Aww, don't worry Hazel, next time you go shopping just let us know," said Arianna.

"Yah cuz like you obviously know how to pick dresses your size," Maliha chuckled.

"I don't get it!  my dress just got longer! But I don't know how."

"What?" they both asked together.

"My dress was perfect in the morning but now its like 5 inches longer, I swear!'

They looked at me like I just landed from planet Mars.

"Guys, its no joke, im serious!"

Arianna grabbed pair of sharp, silver scissors on the table.

"No you cant!" I cried.

 "Hazel, do you wanna keep falling down the stairs?"

I guess I had no other choice.

She grabbed the pair of scissors ands slowly cut the bottom of my dress.

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