Chapter 27: Quick Thinking

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I listened to Mr. Miller's movements in the other room as I undid the restraints on my legs. From the sounds he was making it seemed like he was looking for something or cleaning up whatever had fallen. He was moving in a small area, and seemed to be pacing back and forth. That gave me an opportunity. I could see the door, and I knew I could make it out before he came back; I just had to be quiet.

Taking in a shaky breath to prepare myself and calm my nerves, I started the trek to the door. I tiptoed along the wooden floors, silently praying the boards wouldn't make a sound and alert Mr. Miller that I had managed to escape. It was easy until I made it close to the room that he was in. He had been in the other room for a while. I assumed it had been a kitchen or a utility room, but I couldn't be sure. Just like I couldn't be sure where he was facing.

If I ran by when he was looking then he'd catch me in no time, but there was nothing I could do about that. I didn't have time to waste. If I stood around trying to determine if he was facing me or not, then he'd be all that closer to coming out and running straight into me. I took a deep breath and shook out my arms as an attempt to get rid of the nerves; I had to go.

I can do this.

Without another thought I bolted toward the door. Despite how my hands were trembling, I was able to undo the latch in one swift motion and pull the door open just enough for me to slip through. After I was outside, I pulled the door shut just a crack so that I wouldn't make any noise and alert him of my escape. Then, with my arms pumping at my sides and my legs moving as quickly as they could, I raced toward the trees. My breathing came out in ragged breaths as I ran harder than I ever had before, which honestly wasn't hard considering I rarely ran. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I sprinted through the woods that I had been playing in all of my life.

It wasn't long until I recognized where I was. My heart clenched at the thought, but I pushed myself further, knowing that it would be the easiest location for Mason to find me. As I neared the the place where I had first met Sophie and Mason, I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out my walkie-talkie. I was so grateful to have it at this moment that I wanted to hug and kiss it. Instead, I turned the volume all the way up and pushed the ring button so that it would ring on Mason's end.

The ringing sound was making noise on my end as well and I silently prayed that Mr. Miller hadn't noticed that I was missing yet or he would probably be out here searching for me and the sounds from the walkie-talkie would help him track me down faster. I gripped the electronic tightly in my hand realizing that it was my only connection to safety, and only chance at living. As I waited for Mason to respond on his end, I continued toward the hole in the woods.

After a minute, that felt like an hour, Mason's voice came in over the radio. "Casey?" he said in a groggy voice. He must have gone to bed after he had gotten the text message Mr. Miller had sent him.

At the sound of his voice, tears began to flow from my eyes and down my cheeks. "Mason," I responded, my voice cracking. "Mason, you have to get help."

"What's wrong?" he asked, responding quickly. "I thought you went home."

"I didn't send you that message. I never got home. I'm in the woods near the hole where I first met you and I'm in danger. I was right about Mr. Miller." I wiped tears from my eyes and sniffled. "Please hurry. Bring the police. He killed Sophie, and now he's trying to kill me."

There was a crack of fuzz in the connection as he responded, but I heard him say, "Call you when I get there. Don't worry, Casey. I won't let him hurt you." Then he was gone.

As if my body wanted to prove Mason's words wrong, my wrist began to burn softly. Ignoring the pain, I tucked the walkie-talkie back into my pocket, leaving it on as I jogged toward the location that I was going to meet Mason at. I hoped that he hurried, and they would make it in time. Otherwise I was heading straight for my death.

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