The Beast Within

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The most obnoxious noise was coming from my phone. Oh, that's right it's six in the morning and I have to get up. I drag myself out of bed and go to the kitchen to start some coffee. It's my one addiction I cannot break. Well, that's a lie. I am also addicted to racing, music, cigarettes, and beer. But I can't function through the day without coffee so it's at the top of my addiction list.

I straighten my light blonde hair quickly and add a little eye liner. I work hard and play hard but I want to look decent doing it. I grab a pair of ripped and tattered black skinny jeans and a tank top with my shops logo on it. It's black and says Darwin's automotive in red on the front. On the back is says est. 1993. It was my dads shop, he opened it right after I was born. He past away last year and I took the place over for him. Being 22 I am pretty good at my job.

My father had me in his shop helping him sense the age of five. When I graduated high school at 18 I already had my automotive degree through school and got started working at the shop with him. He taught me how to take appointments, pay bills, call in orders and of course work on cars. I think he was preparing for the inevitable. He was diagnosed with cancer when I was ten and battled it for eleven years. He was a strong man and I only hope to be as strong as him.

My mother on the other hand up and left when I turned two. She left a note for my father. When he got home from the shop he saw me sitting in my pack and play crying and a note. Sense then it was my father and I through thick and thin. We were a great team and no one can replace the whole in my heart from when he left me.

I didn't date much. Well that's an understatement. I had one serious boyfriend in high school. But he left for college and we broke up. So I just hook up with a guy from time to time when I need it. I don't need anyone to fill a void. I just need myself and my employees. They are like a fucked up dysfunctional family, but a family.

I slide on my converse and go to my car. I love my bike it is my baby. But this car was my fathers. I helped him restore it when I was 13 and he told me when I got my license it was mine. It was a beautiful 1970 Oldsmobile 442, candy apple red with midnight black racing strips up the front of it. When I turn it on it purred like a kitten.

I made my way to the shop stopping at the local coffee shop like I did every morning for a dozen donuts for the guys and another coffee for myself. We opens the shop at eight every morning. Everyone shows up around seven for breakfast and to get set up for the day.

When I pull up I see a old blue Chevy Camaro sitting in the parking lot with New York plates on it. Then I see the douche from last night standing next to it. Shit, I told him to come fill out an application today. I got out of my car with the donuts and coffee and went to unlock the door.

I walk in setting everything down on the break table. Then I opened everything up like I did every morning. Pulled up the three garage doors, turned on all the lights and cash register. When I went back up to the front the guy was standing there by the counter waiting for me.

I handed him the application and a pen. "We are hiring for detailing and someone to do inspections at this point. If you stick around long enough and work hard enough we can see how it goes. We need someone to be able to cover other people's shifts just in case one of the guys call out. So just fill it out we can go over it after and talk in the office."

I started placing orders for parts and accessories while the guys filtered into the shop and headed to the back for their donuts. We didn't just work on vehicles we also sold parts as well. Tools, seat covers, stickers, batteries, you name it we probably had it. We where like a mix between a auto shop and a parts store. We got a lot more business that way. My father was a smart man and worked hard to make his dreams come true.

That is why I have worked so hard to keep the business and his spirit alive here. Kevin, Marc, and Dwaine have been with my father sense the beginning. Todd also used to work here but he retired a few months ago. Things have been harder without him around and that is why I am hoping this guy works out. I don't even know his name yet. I hope he isn't a serial killer or something.

He comes back up to the counter with his application in hand. "I am ready whenever you are." He said with a big shit eating grin on his face. I nodded and motioned for him to follow me into the back office. I sat behind my fathers old desk and he sat in the chair in front of it. I read his application carefully. Pierce M. Colt, age 23, from New York, worked at one other garage as a mechanic and a gas station, graduated from high school and took a class in automotive, special skills raced dirt bikes from age of 10 until 16 when he broke his hand and was no longer able to race. He has only been arrested once for drinking underage when he was 17. Hard working, polite, people skills and agreed to a back ground check.

"I have one question for you." I state. He nods and smirks. He has a cocky personality that is for sure "How important is family to you?" I know it seems like a strange question, but like I said we are like a big family here and one lose screw could fuck with everything my father and I have worked for. "Family is the most important thing in my life. I moved here to be closer to my foster brother. My parents adopted him when I was 6 he is two years younger then me and sense my mother passed away four years ago and my father is now in a nursing home about an hour from here I decided it was best to move closer."

Wow, he's pretty open for a job interview. I nodded and grabbed a piece of paper writing down his training days and who he would be working with then handed it to him. "You will train for a week, then after that you are on your own but you can always ask us any questions you might have. You will be on a two month probation period if you do anything that give me a good reason to, I will can your ass. After that you get two strikes not three. I believe in second chances but I will not lose my business over anyone. We clear?"

He was giving me that stupid smirk again. I rolled my eyes. "And don't be so cocky. Now get to work. The first day you work for free. Tomorrow you get paid. You better be here by seven and ready." Then I jestered for him to leave.

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