Ch.20: Target Practice

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"Why the hell do I need a gun again? I'm a fricken werewolf!" When Daniel woke me up this morning and told me that I needed to train I didn't expect this. 

      "Because you never know what kind of situation you might find yourself in, Maggie, and you have to be prepared no matter what." I tilted the metal thing in my hand, how does it even work? "Woah, woah, first lesson: don't point it towards people that you don't intend to shoot." Oh, that makes sense I guess. We arrived at our local target range and checked in. From there he took me down a hall and into a private room. There were various targets at the end of the room and a long counter where I assumed we'd be shooting from. 

"Come on Daniel, I'm not a 'shooting' kind of gal." He took the gun back and led me to the center of the room. 

      "Well after today you will be."

"Ok, I want you to hold this base part with one hand and brace the bottom with your other." I did as he said. "Ok now put your finger on the trigger, I turned the safety off, so if you pull it it will fire." Great.

          "Maybe you should, like, wean me into this. Give me a water gun and I'll work my way up." Water was much safer than bullets.

"Not going to happen." Ok then. "Now, look at the largest target, focus on the middle, breath in and as you exhale, shoot."


"You'll need some more work, but you've improved a lot today, Maggie." I still didn't see why it mattered.

           "Are we going home now?" I was literally starving.

"Well, I thought that we could go out to lunch...?" Is he being serious? We hadn't had any actual time together for years.

           "I guess, sure." I was quiet when he pulled into our local BBQ place, this was sure to be interesting.

"Are you okay eating here?" Asking for my opinion now?

           "It's fine." He opened the door for me and I shuffled uncertainly through the door. After ordering our food we sat in silence for a few minutes, me on my phone, him staring at the wall behind me. Or was he staring at me?

"Maggie we need to talk..." Here it goes. "I need to apologize." What?


"I know it was hard after mom and dad died, but I wasn't there for you. And I know that I expect a lot from you, which puts too much pressure on you. I'm sorry." There it was, the apology that I had needed for the past four years. 

           "Why Daniel, why is it so hard for you to just listen? That's all I ever wanted."

"I could never face up to what I did, I ruined both of our lives Maggie and I'll always live with that regret. But I thought that if I kept you safe, if I kept you out of trouble that it would somehow make up for what I did."

            "It was a mistake Daniel. But hurting me, keeping me trapped here isn't going to fix it."

"I know that, I just can't help that need to control everything. But I've been working on it. I can't lose you Maggie."

            "I know. I love you Danny."

"Love you too Mags."

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I just love brother and sister moments. I am so excited for what's to come in the next few chapters. Being an author just gives you so much power! Love you all! Feel free to check out my other books, or let me know about yours and I'll give them a read! Comment! Vote! Fan!


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