Still not caught~!

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    I sat on the edge of my balcony, watching the late night cars pass by on the street nine stories down. A black bag sat on my back, my black hood pulled up over my head. I glanced down to my dark blue jeans and brushed a few dirt specks off then tapped the back of my black, steel toed combat boots to the wall. I quickly stood up and looked side to side. Most people wouldn't walk by my apartment area due to it not being home to the nicest people. I closed my eyes and held out my arms, standing on my toes and leaning forward. My body slowly moved before gravity caught on and soon I was quickly falling. Before I could get past the third floor, large, brown wings sprouted from my back and the falling feeling stopped as I quickly pulled up, flapping my wings with hard force. I quickly made my way up into the sky. Once I was hundreds of feet up, I started spiraling as I stopped flapping and pulled my wings close to my body. I straightened out and unfurled my wings, looking down at the always lite up Berlin. I moved here eight years ago after the incident with HYDRA. I wasn't too fond of the large group. 

    When I saw a train bridge, I tucked my wings and spiraled downwards, picking up speed quickly. About 30 feet above the ground, I quickly spread my wings and flinched slightly as I was forcibly jerked back. I slowly glided down and perched on the ledge of the bridge. Dropping the backpack, I pulled out some spray paint and got to work. I was a graffiti artist who was known for getting up in seemingly impossible places and creating murals. They only knew my artwork and letter I used to sign my work. I soon finished up around midnight and signed my artwork with the initial of my first name. As I looked at the work of a detailed feather and some quote I thought of, I slipped my backpack back on and jumped up into the air, quickly flying higher and higher until I was at a height that I felt no one could see me unless they really looked. It was a calm flight back to my apartment and I landed on my balcony, my wings disappearing into a vanishing pile of feathers and I walked back through the closed off areas until I reached my room. I quickly undressed from my cloths to my pjs, turning off the lights, laying down in bed and listing to music playing on the radio. Tomorrow was a new day.

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