2. Unexpected Call

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Laura's pov

I was eating lunch with my friend Jess at MacDonald's.

"But he can be such a douche sometimes, I think I should break up with him."she said.

Jess' boyfriend is called Christ Davis. I hate him.

"He hits on every girl he sees. It's about time you break it off."I tell her.

She sighs, she just had a fight with Chris,"But how?"

"Just tell him straight. I don't like you anymore. We're over."

"Oooh, harsh Laurie."she giggled.

I've had loads of experience.

Too much.

"C'mon, or text him."

"What? I can't break up with him over a text!"

I laughed.

"I've done it!"

"You're evil!"she gasped.

I laughed again, "I know, but he was a real son of a bitch."

She laughed, "We're so mean."

My phone rung, and I picked it up.

It was an ID I barely expected to get again.

"Hello,"I breathed.

Call me dramatic, but how would you respond if you got a call from Ross Shor Lynch?

• • •

Riker's pov

Vanessa and I were cuddling whilst watching a movie.

Yep. She my fiancé. Best relationship of my life.

I was getting really bored throughout this, but I agreed to watching it cause I knew she really wanted to watch it.

It was this film about how this guy makes the girl fall inlove with him, but when he finds out that she has a boyfriend, he kills himself, leaving a note. She reads it, but we don't know what it says. She then lives her life but unhappily.

The movie finally ended.

"Nessa, do you wanna go for a ride?"

"Sure."she smiles brightly up at me.

It was around 10pm.

I started driving.

With no destination.

The best drives are with no destination. Just seeing where you end up.

We decided to be a bit rowdy and go wild.

I opened the sun roof and we sang at the top of our lungs.

No music needed. It was more fun this way.

We screamed so loud, laughing our heads off, "C'MON GET LOUUUUUUDDDDDD!!!!!"

We ended up at a hill.

I chased her up it.


I just laughed. She tripped up at the top and pulled me down next to her.

I kissed her and then we just lay down on the grass. Staring up at the stars, holding hands.

She was all I needed.

The best night of my life.

Giving up everything-RauraWhere stories live. Discover now