Chapter 24: Straight Arrow

Start from the beginning

"I will be right back," Mr. Miller said, flicking his eyes to me before he exited the room. 

I was out of my chair within moments after he left. My heart was puonding in my chest with fear that he had forgotten something and was going to turn back around and catch me. To be safe, I went to the door first and peeked out into the hallway, watching Mr. Miller's retreating back as it turned at the end of the hall. 

Once he was out of view, I hustled over to his desk and pulled out the drawer that the photo had been in last time. I had been expecting it to be gone, but it wasn't. It was sitting right on top of everything. I was surprised that he hadn't placed it somewhere else, but maybe he hadn't because he didn't have anything to hide. Maybe the arrow was a common symbol, and I was just trying too hard to find a connection anywhere I could find.

I pulled the photo out of the desk drawer and stared down at it, my eyes focusing on the arrow. A flash of Sophie's cut came to mind as I looked at it, and I knew that it was the same. Without a doubt. The arrows where the same size, length, style, and even on the same arm in the same spot. There was no way that this was a coincidence. As I stared at the picture of Mr. Miller's wife, I began to notice all of the similarities between her and Sophie. They both had wide colored eyes, long blonde hair, and now the arrows. 

I remembered how uncomfortable Mr. Miller had gotten when we were all looking at the picture. I couldn't help wondering why he kept a picture of him and his wife in his desk drawer at the top, like he looked at it a lot, and not on his desk. Maybe his wife had divorced him, and he was still in love with her and kept the photo as a memory. Maybe he had targeted Sophie and killed her because of her resemblance to his wife. I shuddered at the thought.

Nervously, I listened for any sounds to alert me that Mr. Miller was coming back. When I didn't hear anything I quickly snapped a photo of his wife's tattoo with my phone. I made sure that it was clear so that when I showed Mason he wouldn't be able to dispute it as a coincidence, even though knowing him he would still try.

Suddenly the sound of footsteps in the hallway caught my attention, and thinking fast I stuffed the picture frame into the inside of my jacket and pushed the drawer shut hurriedly. Unfortunately, the drawer got stuck on something that was inside, but I didn't have time to fix it. I ran back to my desk, dropping into my chair and stuffing the frame into my open backpack just moments before Mr. Miller entered the classroom. Before he had a chance to walk to his desk and notice the drawer, I scooped all of my papers up from my desk and dumped them hastily into my bag. I zipped it while I stood up.

"I'm so sorry Mr. Miller," I said loudly, gaining his attention as he neared his desk. "I have to go. Emergency at home."

Mr. Miller's face contorted into a strange look that showed that he was thinking about something other than my outburst, before he forced an expression of concern. "I hope everything is all right."

"I do too," I responded as I bolted from the room, not wanting to give him a chance to notice the open drawer. This time I was alone. There was no one else to take the fall with me, and I was nervous to know what he would have done if I had stayed for him to see it and what was missing.


I had rushed out of the school, knowing Mr. Miller figured out I had riffled through his desk and wouldn't be pleased with me next week. Thankfully, I had waited until Friday to instigate the plan or I'd have to see him tomorrow and explain myself. I'd still have to explain myself, but at least by the time Monday rolls around hopefully he would have calmed down to where he wouldn't be yelling at me after class. I said a quick goodbye to the ladies at the front office when I rushed out, and then headed straight for Mason's house or so I thought.

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