1. Loose Page

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Jiyeon meets the strangest people, actually to be fair Insoo wasn't so bad but his friend Seyong was... well, he was something. He was the kind of person that has an amazing smile and sparkling eyes, at least before he opens his mouth and speaks, then his words seem to just completely dull his looks and that sweet smile becomes a pervy one full of inappropriate comments

If spending the day with him wasn't bad enough, I was told that he was one of Gunwoo's bandmates which meant that in just over a week, we were going to be housemates and that was not something I was looking forward to.

I'm so used to my comfortable little bubble, I know Jiyeon and Gunwoo and I know when their moods change, I know what to expect when their moods change. But 4 new people who I didn't know and wasn't aware of their habits and personalities, my heart started pounding at just the thought. But I have to at least try, right? For Gunwoo...

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