Chapter 52- The Big Bang

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"That's your problem, you think just because you can't just be friends with a girl and not have sex you think every other guy is like that. News flash, that's not every guy in the world, that's just a JC problem. I've never said anything to you about who to bring around or who to spend the night with, I've said nothing. I expect the same curtesy because we're not dating or married so I don't tell you what to do and I don't want you telling me to do. We just have a baby together. That's it, and what I do with my life and who I date is none of your business just as whoever you date- or sleep with is a better term- is none of my business."

I try speaking with a calm quiet voice so I wouldn't startle Colton, but every time JC interrupted or spoke it wasn't helping. I think I said all that I needed to say, and I think I was pretty fair and clear about our personal lives. I've known about the whole condom thing for weeks and even though I wanted to throw it in JC's face I didn't do a thing about it because it's not my business. If he wants to go screw girls on his free time, if that's what he wants to do when he's not with his son then that's his extracurricular activities.

"It does matter who you spend time with because those people are always over and around the baby. At least I don't bring total strangers here to hold my son. So who's ever around my son is my business." He argues.

"Alright, so if I tell you stop bringing Drake around, are you going to stop bringing him around?" I challenge, knowing full well that wouldn't happen.

He scoffs, turning back to feed the baby, "Drake is different. We know him, he went to school with us."

"You know Drake. I don't. I don't know him. Yes he went to school with us, but I barely know him other than he smokes and swears way too much, he helps me understand you a little better, and I still allow him over and hang around with my son." I tell him. Drake is a cool guy, to an extent, don't get me wrong, but when the duo are paired together things aren't too great. Drake really brings out the bad in JC, but he doesn't understand it. JC will be on a one week no smoking streak, that is until he hangs out with Drake and comes back smelling like a box of cigarettes and back to square one.

"Well now you know how I feel about fuck boy and why I don't want him around." He shouts, louder than he was talking earlier.

"First off, don't swear in front of Colton." I tell him calmly, "Second, you're being very controlling and I'm not liking it." I warn him, hovering over Colton sitting in his high chair.

"Why is the fuck boy around anyways? Doesn't he have his own life, not involving a teenage mom as his best friend? He's twenty something for Christ sakes." He says, looking at me intently and shaking his head.

"I told you to not swear in front of the baby, JC." I tell him, annoyed, wiping Colton's mouth with the bib, taking it off and taking him out of his chair.

"Now who's being controlling?" He sasses, standing up from the chair. I shake my head, grabbing the warm bottle and the burp cloth. I wasn't going to stand here and argue with him, especially in front of Colton and especially over something so stupid. I don't tell him what girls he can or cannot hang out with and I expect the same in return from him. "Don't walk away from me, we're talking."

"No you're yelling and I'm done talking about this." I tell him in a normal voice, walking up the stairs so I could feed Colton his bottle and put him down for a nap. In peace. I'll deal with JC afterwards when we're both calm.

"I'm not done talking about it, come here." He said grabbing my upper arm. I flinched, a little surprised yelp escaping my voice as I clutched Colton close to my chest, panicked.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath, trying to calm my heart rate, "JC." I whispered in a shaky voice, "Let go of me."

"Paisley." He says sharply, his hand tighten around my arm.

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