Chapter 2

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*Harrys P.O.V*

We were greeted by my cats Dusty and Molly at the door. 'Oh I love cats Harry!' Omi expressed. 'Well don't just love cats, I love pussy cats' I flirtatiously admitted. My comment followed  a wink afterwards. Omi seemed quite happy. I just wasn't sure if she liked me. I want to tell how I feel about her but I don't think I have the balls. 'Come through, its a bit messy but I didn't expect you to be coming round afterwards.' I said. 'Oh its absolutely fine Styles, I wouldnt have expected you to either way'. Omi gladly said. 'Omi...are..are...are you happy?' I asked with a stutter. 'Of course im happy, im with you.' She said the answer I was waiting for. She stood on her tippy toes and reached up to kiss me on the lips. She put her hands on my cheeks and I put mine on hers. It was more than a kiss with Naomi, It was something much more special. Its like it was meant to be. 'Stay with me tonight Omi' I asked her, I was a bit worried incase she didn't say what I was hoping for. 'Erm well yeah okay, I told mum I would be home later anyway. Where is your spare room' She asked. Phew. I survived. 'Erm I know its a big house, but the spare rooms all have music stuff in them and books and other crap, so I thought you could stay with me in my bed' I said with a cheeky chuckle. 'Oh your a cheeky chappy, but go on then, I cant resist them eyes and them curls' she said with a wink. 'Oh Omi you're a naughty pussy, you, I mean we both know this is so wrong, but its just so much fun' I admitted.

We walked into the living room and Omi was shocked with what she saw, I think she thinks I am some sort of tramp or something. There was a big grand fire, 2 sofas, 1 love chair, a wall mounted 52" Television and a leopard rug. 'Oh my god Styles, this is the best room ever, you even have a leopard rug, I have always wanted one of them!' Naomi told me with a huge grin on her face. Which reminded me of the Cheshire cat,wish reminded me of home. Tears started to roll down my cheeks but I turned away and I didn't want to seem like a girl, unfortunately I am not very good at hiding tears so Omi saw. 'Harry are you alright? Whats the matter? Is it something I've said? Oh I feel so bad now, tell me to shut up, go on styles, say it. But of course it wasn't her fault, I couldn't tell her to shut up, I just couldn't. 'No Omi its not your fault, I just miss home that's all, you see, the thing is, your grin looks like the Cheshire cat, in which I am from Cheshire. it just reminded me of home, nothing major.' I admitted.' Oh im so sorry, would you prefer more of an un-seductive smile?' She asked flirtatiously. 'No no, that shall not be necessary, I like you just the way you are, you don't need to change for me, or anyone' I said. I sat down on the love chair and grabbed my guitar from behind. Omi came and sat next to me. I started playing the first few cords and notes until I started singing;

Oh, her eyes, her eyes make the stars look like they're not shining'

Her hair, her hair falls perfectly without her trying'

She's so beautiful

And I tell her everyday

Yeah, I know, I know when I compliment her, she won't believe me

And it's so, it's so sad to think that she don't see what I see

But every time she asks me do I look okay?

I say

When I see your face

There's not a thing that I would change

'Cause you're amazing

Just the way you are

'Aw Harry that is so beautiful. You're amazing at singing and oh Lord why did you make Harold Edward Styles so perfect?' Omi asked whilst looking up at the ceiling. She is oh so sweet. I want her to be my girlfriend but im not sure if it is a bit too soon. i'll ask her anyway. 'Erm...Omi' I said whilst going slightly red in the face. 'Yes Styles?' She replied. 'Well i'm not sure if its too soon, I mean you can say no if you want to'. I admittedly said, I lied. I didn't want her to say no at all. I think im in love with her already. 'What is it babe?' Omi asked. 'Well....I...I....I was just thinking like my gir.....girl.....girlfriend?' I asked her. I stuttered to much, it was so embarrassing and im sure I looked like a tomato. 'Oh Harold, No I don't think its too soon at all!, once you find your first love your whole body knows it and there's no stopping you. I would love to be your girlfriend Harry!' Omi smiled. She has such a cute grin, a Cheshire cat grin. I guided my ripened cherry lips to hers, they attracted so well like the opposite ends of a magnet. 'I love you Naomi Scott' I said. I fluttered my eyelashes to make me seem more romantic but It didn't really work and I think I looked like a rather big idiot. 'I love you too Harry, and this is how its done' Omi said whilst fluttering her long jet black eyelashes. 'Your so hot, I mean even hotter when you do that', I admitted.'

*Naomi's P.O.V*

I don't really know how to feel right now. I have mixed feelings. I mean I love the Cheshire boy but I think it might be too soon, or there's something he's not hiding. I only said yes because I was afraid I would never get a chance with him again or find someone as perfect as him. 'Harry can you show me to my room, its 2am and I'm really tired and I'd just love some sleep. I asked politely, I hope I didn't intimidate him in any way because that certainly wasn't my intention. 'Sure thing sweet cheeks, I was joking earlier, of course there is a spare room, I just wanted you to sleep with me that's all' Harry said with a flirtatious wink following his comment. 'I would like to sleep on my own tonight if I'm honest Harry, its just I get really hot sleeping with others and I might be sick in the morning and I have to go to work.' I admitted. 'Oh sure, yeah that's absolutely fine, where do you work?' He asked whilst staring into my eyes. 'Oh no-where special, I just have a little job as a waitress down at a pub near where I live' I answered the question as if I didn't want him to come and stalk me, in which I didn't. Harry walked in front of me then up the spiral staircase, we walked about 5 metres then he opened a little white door, There was what looked to be a king size bed, a wardrobe, and 53" wide screen wall mounted TV and a white fluffy marshmellow rug. Well it looked like a marshmellow anyway. 'Wow Harry this is gorgeous, is this where I'm sleeping? I asked reluctantly. 'It sure is sugar plum' he replied whilst trying to do an American accent but it didn't go very well. 'I'll be In this room if you need me' Harry said, pointing to another door exactly the same just about 10 metres away from mine. 'Okay Harry night love you' I said. 'Love you too my beautiful Omi'. He replied. Harry bent down and guided his lips to mine again, it was so peaceful and flawless. He walked a couple of metres then turned around and started to sing yet another beautiful song;

 Goodnight sweetheart, well it's time to go

Goodnight sweetheart, well it's time to go

I hate to leave you, but I really must say

Goodnight, sweetheart, goodnight.

It was genuinely oh so beautiful, like all of his songs. I chuckled then walked into my room. As I had no pyjamas I routed through the chest of drawers until I found a big superdry t-shirt. I got undressed then put the t-shirt on. it only just covered my bum but it will do. I lifted the covers then got into the leopard print bed. I just wanted to dream about Harry all night long. I think I'm in love.

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