Prologue (pt.ii)

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    I woke up staring at the circular ceiling. My mother's face smiled down at me, a beautiful mural that we had painted together. I could hear a chaotic racket downstairs. That'll be her, creating a new spell to translate animals' words or something. She's rarely ever succeeded, but that doesn't bring her down. She just keeps on trying.

    I rolled out of bed, grinning. I loved to watch my mum at work. I went down the spiral staircase, still in my hand-stitched Crumple-Horned Snorkack pajamas.  "Hi mom, what are you inventing?" I asked, bouncing down the stairs.

    "Oh Luna! Good morning! Today I'm trying to make an identification spell! It can distinguish lies and sort out the truth, as well as figure out a masquerader's true identity. It would be especially useful in the times of You-Know-Who. I'm having a bit of trouble with it, actually- hold on, I've got a new idea- stand back dear!" I, accustomed to this, quickly took refuge behind the staircase, peeking out at my mum, who was flaring her wand- "Annuntient idem!"

    A jet of purple light flashed out of her wand, rebounding off of the wall and hitting her in the chest. She dropped to the ground, unmoving.

    "Mummy?!" I shouted, rushing to where her body was lying. "Mum, please... be okay..." Her hazel eyes opened, focusing on my brilliant blue ones. "Whatever you do, Luna, stay yourself. I... love... you..." Her voice trailed off. I seemed to go inside her eyes, then, to see a fast slideshow of pictures- her life flashing before her. I saw a young, blonde-haired girl, swimming in the ocean, only to be approached by a large gray shark- but she merely giggled and pet the shark, taming it... her first day at Hogwarts... meeting an odd boy, head full of extrordinary, unbelievable things, and falling in love with him... her wedding day... having Luna... laughing and playing in the brook with the family... and then, suddenly, it stopped, and I was returned to the present, my eyes on my mother's beautiful face. Her eyes dulled, and I knew that she was dead. Tears streaming down my face, my brain screamed, No! This can't be happening! But deep in my soul, I knew it to be real.

    I sat there sobbing by her lifeless body when my dad came down the stairs. He cried "Daisy?", voice cracking as realization struck. He and I weeped side by side, hugging, until I faded off to sleep, my heart feeling utterly empty.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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