No you didnt!!

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Bellems P.O.V

"Hey! Hows it going?" I said. "Uhh you just ditched me. Why?" Desmia said. "Oh, yeah uhh, Dex was telling me about the place that we're in right now." I said as Dexter strapped me in the chair. He loosened it so we had a way to get out. He did the same to Desmia and left."So when did you become friends with the stalker?" she asked "I am not friends with him" I said ,to defensive like. "We just called a truce." I explained. "Yeah that's hard to believe. I saw how you looked at him!" she said. "What! Really. You are really doing this right now. We are in a life or death situation." I said.

Then someone came in. We couldn't exactly see who but they came behind us and knocked us out {again}. Then everything was blurry when we woke up a little later. "Hiya!" said a friendly voice."Uh, hi." we said together. "I'm Moonshade. I'm a fairy, I come from the realm of Fairytopia." she said. "What? Fairytopia? Wow. Ok then, are you here to save us or something?" said Desmia. "Hahaha no. I'm just here to get you out of these stupid wheel chairs." she said really upbeat. "Oh well that works too." I said. "But I told someone that I would wait for them." said Desmia. "Was he the guy that was staring at you?" she asked. Desmia nodded. "Well he told me to get you guys so I am right now. So lets go." she said. "But you haven't gotten us unstrapped yet." Desmia said. "I don't need to." she said and she waved her hand over us and the strap's just disintegrated. "Wow that was bloody brilliant!" I said quoting Harry Potter. " Thanks now let's get out of here before we all get killed." she said. "We're gonna die!" Desmia said. "Hahahah no. I'm joking. " she said.

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