Going out

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The next day, Jarrett wakes up and Rebecca hasn't moved. He can feel her calm breathing and has an urge to kiss her. It's been a while since he's had a girlfriend, then it hits him. She isn't his girlfriend. She's someone else's wife. He just slept with another man's wife. What if someone finds out? They would kill him! Jarrett's heart starts racing. He can't breath. He needs to get out. He quickly gets out of bed and puts on clothes and shoes.

"Jarrett? Where are you goi-" she calls after him.

He ignores her completely and runs down the stairs. He bursts through the door and out to the street. He can finally breathe. He needed this. He stays outside for a few minutes and takes in the air. He finally decides to go back inside. He goes up the stairs, opens his apartment door, and calmly walks in. When he closes the door, Rebecca comes flying at him. 

"Where were you?!" she says, almost screaming.

"Well...um..." he responds, stuttering.

"I was so scared! Don't ever leave me like that!"

She grabs him and hugs him tight. He stands there for a moment then hugs her back. She's the perfect height for him to rest his chin on top of her head.

"C'mon," he says, gesturing towards the kitchen. "Let's eat."

Rebecca sits at the table while Jarrett makes some cereal for the two of them.

"So how'd you sleep?" Jarrett asks, setting two bowls on the table.

"Really good, actually," she responds.


"Yeah. Something about this place and your bed and...you... makes me really calm and happy."

"Wait, what abo-"

"How did you sleep?" she asks, cutting him off.

"Eh. I had a nightmare."

"Aw! About what?" she asks, concerned.

Jarrett sat there, unable to speak. He could never bring up... his dad.

"Let's not talk about it," he says, upset at the thought of him. "We're going shopping today, so get dressed."

"Okay!" she says. She drinks the remaining milk and has some on her lip.

"Ha! Milk mustache!"Jarrett says, laughing.

Rebecca wipes it off and blushes. They get dressed and ready to go. They hop in the car and leave.

"You better get get something pretty," Jarrett says.

"Why?" she asks, intrigued.

"Well, you'd look pretty in anything," he mumbles. "But we're going out to dinner tonight."

"What?! No! I don't deserve it."

"Yes, you do. Besides, I already made reservations while you were in the shower."

"Fine. But I'm paying half."

"With what? You have no money," he says, then winks at her. She crosses her arms and tries to look mad but can't stop smiling at his wink.

"Fine, but you're going to help me pick one."


Rebecca play punches him and he smiles at how cute she is. When they arrive, Jarrett gets out first.

"Stay there," he says. He walks around the car and opens her door for her. She giggles and they start walking towards the store. Their hands accidentally touch and they both look away, blushing.

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