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Last in the Impractical Jokers fanfics.

Hope you've enjoyed them all, (or most of them) (maybe two?) (come on, at least one?) (none? Get off my page) (nah I'm joking) (or am I?) I'll probably do more IJ things in the future.

Let me know what you want to read next in the comments....

Thanks for reading! {♡¤♡}


Ok, originally the title was going to be 'Murrsic' (It's about music and Murr's name fits in with it. Nothing special.)

But as I was writing, I thought 'Murr than anything' sounded cuter. (plus the cover's better)

Deal with it.

Murr than anythingNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ