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This a chapter describing Kiyoko and her bio as well.


Full name: Kiyoko Dagger Hideyoshi.

Hair colour: Straight blonde with long bangs parted to the right, further into the story, she has hair like Aigis from Persona 3.

Eye colour: Dark grey with a hint of black. Further into the story she has eyes like Aigis as well.

Basically, she's gonna become Aigis from Persona 3 :3

Age: 16

Family relations: Jane Hideyoshi; Mother; Deceased, Akashi Hideyoshi; Father; Alive in Tokyo, Jason Hideyoshi; Twin Brother; Alive; Agent.

Agency uniform: Too complex to describe, so I'll have a pic.

Everyday and her custom uniform for Ouran: pic in other chapter

Formal: White dress with gems and jewels, white heels, white bow on hair.

Sniping someone: Her circus uniform which is in the other chapter and since the uniform doesn't show the bottom half, I'll do that. A white skirt with red lines going down the side and red crisscross fishnet tights with white flats and of course her trusty sniper and handgun.

Sleepwear: Big pink button up shirt and pink skirt along with her white stuffed bunny.


Biography: Her brother and herself was conceived only for the purpose of being in the agency so their parents dropped her off at the door of the agency and Maria has treated them like her children ever since. Their eyes go a bright unnatural purple when they're killing people or they're angry.

Her eyes are very bright when she is with her fellow circus members a.k.a agents and when she is playing music for the circus. Her act in the circus is playing music and knife throwing.

She had great sniping abilities and can heal five times faster, she is sorta like a demon from Black Butler.


So, yeah, please vote, it gets me motivated. I appreciate all of you guys that have read this and the other chapter. I love you guys!



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