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How long had you been staring at the computer screen now? You couldn't remember. What were you even doing? You couldn't remember that either. It seemed like your mind had been in a frog for days now, and you were finally pushing that frog aside to clear your mind. You look over to the side, where hung a calendar just above your desk. "June... 26th.." What day did you hear the news again? Ah that's right, June 23rd, It's only been 3 days. Yet it some how seemed longer then that. That's right, June 23rd is when you heard that one of your best friend's had cancer. What was it again? You couldn't remember, after the words cancer came out of parents mouth everything felt like it went blank. After that you remember seeing him, talking to him. What were you guys talking though? Old memories, probably. There was a loud knocking sound coming from your door, which had startled you and caused you to snap out of your train of thought and jump slightly from your seat. "I'm coming in (y/n)" You heard a familiar voice shout, as he opens the door. "Tadashi?.. What are you doing here? We're not suppose to meet til 4:30."

Tadashi raised his eye brow, as he set one hand on his waist while the other held some textbooks between his side and arm. "What are you talking about? It is 4:30, I should be asking you that. What are still doing in your pajamas, usually you're already dress waiting for me. Is everything okay (y/n)? You've been out of it like this for 3 days already." He frown a bit while eye brows furrow down slightly, as he made his way over to her bed setting the textbooks down. He stands there looking over at her with a worried expression.

Today you were meeting your darling boyfriend, who had graciously agreed to tutor you. You had asked him to tutor you about a week ago, when you failed your science test, again. You both had been meeting between your houses every other day since then. "It's 4:30 already? Sorry Dashi, I guess I lost track of time again. Heh, let me get dressed really quick kay?" You said, pushing yourself out of your chair in the process you stumble a little, your body felt much heavier then usual.

"Are you okay?" He said, rushing over to her side helping her away from her desk.

"I'm fine Dashi, my leg just fell asleep that's all. You worry too much." You smiled softy up at him, as you lean up kissing the side of his cheek close to his ear.

"Okay, just be more careful." He smiled back, wrapping his arms around her waist drawing closer kissing her forehead before letting go.

You let out a small content giggle, as you walk away from him opening your drawers as you pulled out some random comfortable clothes. You and him were already at an imitate point of your relationship, so for you it wasn't a big deal changing in front of him. You started slipping out of your clothes, as you notice from the corner of your eye a certain someone's cheeks turning red and awkwardly shifting. You let small laugh as you smile over at him mischievously, while standing in your underwear. You place your hands at your hips, as you decide to tease him just a bit. "What's wrong Hamada? It's not like you haven't seen it before."

"Can you PLEASE just hurry up and put some clothes on? It's kind of hard to tutor you, if all am thinking about is seeing you in your underwear." Tadashi said, rather embarrassed turning his back to her with his cheeks painted bright red, as he awkwardly scratched his cheek with his index finger.

"Hehe, Yes Sir." You said, teasing him again as you giggle lightly starting to get dress. You loved whenever you saw him, whenever you were having a bad day or feeling depressed about something he always seem to make you forget about it and feel better. Although you felt better with him around, you still felt something nagging at you. You shook your head lightly, pushing down that nagging feeling, ignoring it. "Alright let's get down to studying. I need to past this next test, I can't fail this class." You said, letting out a big sigh as you plop down on your bed, already exhausted at the thought.

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