I Think The Weather is Sick!

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Monday April 15, 2013 2:00am

Here is a letter to the person who controls that weather....

Dear weather person,                                                                                                                 

         Why must you make the weather all weird. I love that you have mad the weather cold to my liking but going back and forth just isn't cool. You're being more bipolar than a pregnant lady (NO OFFENSE I SWEAR!!!!!). If you make the weather cold, windy, and rainy one day you should not be allowed to make it hot and sunny the next. Its throwing everyone off, think of my poor doggy! Weather person sir or ma'am I love how the weather is cold at night but all the change is making my hay fever and asthma go nutty! I can barely go outside sometimes and my dog has the sniffles now. :( If you want to make the weather weird make it snow where I live because when it does snow a few hours away from me no one likes to drive in it and will never take me. So that would be fun! Weather person I hope you're not sick or something and that's why the weather is acting all strange. If so let me know I will send you a care package I know a restaurant with the best Wonton soup!


The weird person writing you a letter

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