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Monday April 15, 2013 1:30am

#Hashtagging its the most popular things now days. Originated on twitter for their trend or whatever, I don't do the whole social network sites really. #Hashtagging is everywhere! Texting, facebook, letters, tv, and people we talk like that. I don't get it! Its not cool or anything. To tell you the truth its annoying as hell! It was made for twitter it should stay there.

I don't have a facebook or anything so I go on one of my friends every now and then to see whats going on with mutural friends we have, and every other post is #hashtag this and #hashtag that. Why are you guys doing that all the time? there is not poll or anything to say what the top trends through that is on facebook or really any other thing so why be so annoying??????

And to my friends, I absolutely love to pieces, why when I ask whats up whether it be by test or something you #hashtag me till I want to puke...

Why is the world becoming some giant #hashtag???? It doesn't shorten anything or help anyone...

Thank you for listening to my babble :)

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