Chapter 18 - "I got you something"

Start from the beginning

"How lovely, so what are your plans for today?" She smiled,

"I was going to show Niall around before the party tonight"

"Ah yes, you'll have to take him to that park you used to go too"

"Oh, I don't know"

"Izzie you went there all the time when you moved here"

"I know, it's just not that nice anymore"

"Are any of your friends home?"

"I don't think so, they're all at college"

"Oh what a shame, I liked that boy, what was his name?"


"No, Logan I think it was" she smiled and Niall shook his head, I patted his thigh under the table; I hadn't exactly told them how I ended up in hospital because we were idiots and decided to get in the car drunk.

"Izzie?" I heard my mum shout,

"In here"

"Happy birthday baby! Oh hello, nice to see you" my mum hugged my grandparents, they were my dad's side of the family but they always kept in contact,

"When's dad getting here?"

"Shortly I think, the party starts at 4, he's bringing your cousins for me" she smiled, it was nice they could still maintain a relationship, I guess sometimes people just fall out of love but they still care for each other.

"How's the boyfriend Jenny?" My gramps asked,

"Wait they know and I didn't?"

"They skyped me when he was here" she smiled innocently,

"He seems lovely" my grams smiled,

"Is he coming later?" I asked and she nodded,

"Does dad know?"

"Of course he knows, he's fine with it, they've already met"

"They've met? When?"

"He came by to talk about something and he was here, they ended up going to the pub"

"So I'm the only one who doesn't know this man?"

"You'll meet him later" she smiled and I raised my eyebrow,

"Presents?" Mum asked and my gramps went to retrieve something from his bag,

"This is one for now, you'll get your other one in a minute" he smiled handing me the box,

"Thank you" I smiled as I looked at the ribboned box in front of me,

"Open it then" I pulled the ribbon and opened the box; it was full of teabags,

"Oh gramps" I laughed,

"It's just something to remind you of home, your main present is in the box in the living room" grams smiled,

"Go get it then" my mum smiled as I stood from my stool, I grabbed the box and brought it into the kitchen, I pulled the ribbon and ripped the wrapping paper, it was an iPad Air.

"Wow, thank you, I love it" I hugged them both,

"You're welcome"

"Your dad and I have a special present for you but he's bringing it later, your other presents from me are in the living room" my mum said pointing to the sofa,

We all sat round while I opened the rest of the presents, it was mainly candles, a charm bracelet, clothes and things for my house, it was nice to have them round me, Niall sat on the couch looking interested and laughed when I did, boyfriend, no.

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