"Okay, Katniss. You're safe, it's okay." He says. When he goes to hold me, I welp in pain as his arm touches my side. "We need to get you to the hospital, I'm going to get Effie."

I nod and he runs out of the house, returning seconds later with Effie. "Oh my gosh what happened!" She screams.

"I'll tell you later, Effie. Stay here with Peeta and the triplets until Peeta wakes up. I'm taking Katniss to the hospital." Haymitch instructs. He picks up Peeta and moves him onto the couch, before returning to carry me to his car.

I grit my teeth as Haymitch drives to the hospital. Soon enough, the searing pain in my side overcomes me and I slowly begin to lose consciousness.

My eyes flutter open and I immediately feel an aching pain in my side. The darkness of the room indicates that it must be the middle of the night. I notice Peeta sitting in the chair next to my hospital bed. His head in his hands, gripping his blond curls.

"We've got to stop meeting like this." I say with a smile.

Peeta's head shoots up and I am lucky enough to see his smile for a second before it is replaced by a look that is so pained and guilty that it agonizes me. "You're awake."

I nod. "How long have I been out?"

"Only a day. How are you feeling?" He says and I can even hear the suffering in his voice.

"I'm okay." I lie. The pain in my side is pounding, but I don't want to add to his suffering.

"Katniss. I'm so sorry I-" He begins, but I stop him before he can apologize for something that is completely out of his control.

"Don't even say it, Peeta. You have nothing to apologize for." I say, a sternness making an appearance in my voice.

"No, Katniss. We can't go on like this." He says, looking at his feet.

My heart drops as I begin to think about all of the possible things he could say next. "What are you saying?"

He takes a deep breath before continuing. "I'm saying that I'm not safe around you or the triplets. I'm dangerous, Katniss. I can't be a normal husband or father. I can't look after the triplets at home by myself without being terrified of what I could possibly turn into. I can't even hold you in my arms at night without having the thought of hurting you in the back of my mind. I can't go on like this, Katniss." That's when he breaks down, his whole body shaking with sobs as I take him into my arms and hold him close.

"I hate myself. I hate myself." He says, sobbing harder.

Those three words that Peeta speaks break me. Hearing the person you love so dearly say that he hates himself is one of the worst kind of suffering there is.

I shake my head as I let the tears fall. "No, you don't." I say, shakily. "Please don't say that ever again."

We hold each other for a while, until Peeta pulls away. He takes my hands in his and looks me in the eyes. "I've arranged with Dr. Aurelius to go to the Capitol to get more treatment. I'm leaving in two days for three weeks."

I feel like my whole world is crashing down around me. "You can't go, I need you. Willow, Rye and Aster need you!"

He breaks eye contact and looks down at the floor and says quietly "I don't want to go, Katniss."

"Then don't!" I beg.

He shakes his head. "I have to, Katniss. You have to understand that I need to get help. I can't go on like I am."

I stay quiet for a while. I can't imagine what this is like for him, either. He loves the triplets so much, I bet it's breaking him to leave them. So, to make it easier for Peeta, I agree.

"Okay." I say, quietly. "You have to promise me that you will call, every night."

Peeta nods. "Of course I will."

I let a few stray tears fall as I grip onto Peeta's hand tightly.

"Hey, I'm not going for another two days. It's okay." He says, brushing away a strand of hair on my forehead.

I nod and move over on the bed. "Will you come and lay with me?"

Peeta smiles slightly and nods. He holds me in his arms, careful not to hurt my side and kisses my forehead.

"I love you so much." He whispers.

"I love you too." I whisper back and fall asleep, trying to accept the fact that my husband, ultimately my lifeline, is going away for three weeks to the Capitol.


Sorry about the wait for the update! You should all check out hichloeex because I am obsessed with her Everlark stories. They are beautifully written and are a really good read! She has a completed Everlark trilogy which is a post Mockingjay fan fiction that is amazing. She also has an ongoing modern Everlark fan fiction which I am completely obsessed with! Chloe also has other Hunger Games stories that are incredible. She really doesn't get enough recognition that she deserves for her writing! Thank you all so much for commenting, voting and reading:) 

- Megan x

- Twitter - @_hutcherwife 

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