Chapter 1 - Lady in Red

Start from the beginning

On top of it all, Craig had a hunch his girlfriend was holding back. Just 18, he encouraged Brandi's friends to doll her up for the occasion. He had a sneaky suspicion there was a diamond in the rough beneath her jeans and t-shirt wardrobe. The symphony was the perfect vehicle he needed to pull her out of the same old same old. Of course, some booze was helpful as well. Craig was 22 and old enough to drink. That had been a bonus for her, besides his looks. Although she was 18, she looked more than 21, making it easy to drink alcohol when she was around him. Going out with Craig was validation for her, not only that she could drink, but that she was good enough, in general.

They arrived at the Fat Ox for dinner that night and sat at the bar waiting for their table. Above the sounds of utensils on plates and the soft chatter of patrons, the smooth jazzy sounds of Diana Krall could be gently heard. Brandi liked her music, nodding her head to the beat. As the bartender came around, Craig ordered them both a glass of wine and looked around the room. He smiled to himself, noticing the not so subtle glances and attention his date was attracting. Being with Brandi had never been a chore, but she kept to herself more than he cared. Unaware of her appearance, her outward beauty when dolled up was breathtaking, especially during a special occasion like that night. The low-cut red dress Brandi had borrowed not only revealed her generous cleavage but set her apart. She was a shining beacon to a room full of old boats. With her Prada high heels on, compliments of Janeen down the hall, she grew three inches. Anyone with bets on the table would assume she was beyond her college years. As she turned to face Craig and crossed her legs, he noticed the slit in her dress was appropriate enough to attract even more glances, especially his.

"This place is beautiful," Brandi said admiring the dark wood tones and low lighting. No one had ever taken her to a place like that. She was more at home with fast food, tacos and eating on plastic trays.

"It's quite the place, huh? A beautiful restaurant for a beautiful lady. You look stunning, Brandi. You do." She blushed. "Hey, do you mind if I use the bathroom?"

"No, of course not," she replied. "Just text me if you aren't feeling well in there, OK? I'll understand. I don't want you getting sick again."

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss this time with you for the world."

Craig was coming off of the flu and still didn't feel that well. But he didn't want to pass on the free tickets he had received. She appreciated his sacrifice, a demonstration to her that she meant something to him. She watched him work his way through the standing-room-only bar crowd and then returned to her drink.

As she lifted the glass to her lips, she felt someone staring at her. The hair on her neck started to rise. As her gaze shifted to the right, she found the culprit standing near the outside edge where the bar hooked around. A woman apparently older than Brandi was talking to the tall man, but he was too busy looking at Brandi. As her eyes met his, she glanced away out of a strange fear as if she had invaded a private conversation. When she glanced back, his eyes lifted from the woman in front of him back to her again. His gaze invited her in, reminding her of a 20th-century vampire movie Craig took her to the previous week.

The tall man lifted his glass to his lips, and after he had taken a drink, he gave a slight nod to her. She turned around, certain he was looking at someone behind her. Not finding anyone behind her, she looked back in his direction. He was gone. She searched the crowd, wondering how she could overlook a man of his stature, even in a populated area. Unannounced, she felt a caress on her left arm.

"Can I ask you a silly question?" She smiled.


"Was it your idea or his to go to the symphony tonight? Personally, I have you pegged as a jazz fan myself." It was the man from across the bar, and now he was standing next to her. Had he been listening to her conversation with Craig? And if so, for how long? Regardless, she couldn't help but smile from the attention of this handsome man. Despite the aromas coming from the kitchen, she could still smell his musky scent, the one she took with her from that day forward. He wore a gray suit and tie. What also won her over was his hair. Cut in choppy fashion and slightly messed up, it was more suitable to guys her age. But it endeared her to him just the same.

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