Chapter 2

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A/N: the song doesn't quite fit but it's amazing so...

After sprinting down the hallway and almost running into other late people who were rushing to class, I finally find a door with a sign saying 'office' in big letters. And to make me feel even more idiotic it's actually right next to the entrance.

Ugh. You're so stupid Ash.

I enter the office cautiously, cause I was very late at the moment, and look around at the small space with yellow walls and flat brown carpet. The office had a large desk with a brown haired lady sitting behind it.

I shut the door and made my way over to her while looking around the small space. Dingy lighting, a small window with brown curtains and papers everywhere.

Have they not heard of electronic copies yet, Jesus...

"How can I help you, sweetie?" The lady at the desk glowered at me for probably interrupting her work.

"Uh, I'm new here and I'd like to get my schedule, please." A shred of nervousness showed in my voice as I spoke to her.

"Let me guess, Asha Lanter?" She ground out the words with disgust as she looked me over.

Holy crap the nerve. Now I'm just getting frustrated.

"Yes. Now if you could please hurry the f*ck up and give me my schedule and locker number, that would be great." My nervousness washes away after her remark and my patience for this school starts to run thin already. Like seriously not even an hour here and I've already ran into stare from too many people, a grade A jerk and now little miss bîtchy pants over here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2016 ⏰

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