Chapter 1

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Finally this day has come. My dad has finally let me have the chance to be a normal teenager and allow me to go to a public school.

It only took 10 freaking years for him to realise that I need some friends though.

Let's just say that my dad can often be very thick headed and stubborn about simple things like this. But it's okay at least I'm finally here.

Stepping out of the shower I stop my train of thought to dry myself and put on the outfit I laid out last night. It was just a simple black high rise Jean shorts, grey singlet and my trusty leather jacket hoodie that My dad bought for me awhile ago to make me look 'discreet'.

That ain't gonna work though with this stupid silver hair that sticks out so much.

Ignoring my inner voice, yet again, I add bit of eyeliner and mascara to make my bright blue eyes pop, and some lip gloss. Putting my hair in a pony tail, I walk downstairs with my new school bag to find my dad
at the table cleaning his gun again.

"You ready to go Ash?" My dad says, still completely focused on his gun. I make me way towards the counter and grab a pop tart out of the toaster.

"Yeah dad. Did you want me to drive the mustang or the jaguar?" I reply, still caught up on how we just suddenly became rich when we moved here from the country a week ago.

"The jag, Ash." Dad commands, now looking me sternly in the eye, for god knows what reason. "Just... Be careful."

For some reason I start to get bit worried cause my dad is never this concerned that I might hurt myself. I mean, he's the person that put me in all those kick boxing classes when I was younger and let me compete for some money when I was back in the country. He never ever use to say be careful, he'd always know I'd beat the shīt out of my opponent.

"Are you okay dad?" I question hesitantly.

A look of anguish crosses his features quickly before he returns his gaze to his gun. "Yeah, I'm all good baby girl." He continues to clean his gun after this and pays no attention to my need of answers.

"Well... I'm gonna go to school now dad. So I'll see you later" I call behind my shoulder as I pull on my high tops and head out the door to where Ash jr. waits in the driveway. The jag that me and my dad own is a dark silver colour that matches hair, so... you get the gist.

I unlock the car and get in. While throwing my bag on the seat beside me I insert the key in the ignition and listen to the glorious hum the engine makes.

I pull out of the gravel driveway and head in the direction of school.

Here we go...


After a 5 minute car ride I arrive at Graceview high school. Parking as close to the front entrance as possible I stop and take a look around at all the students loitering around.

This should be fun.

Taking a deep breath I step out of my jag and instantly notice the stares my car (or me... Who knows) has attracted. Let's hope I find someone to show me to the office before I lose my shît at all these people. Of course I hate the attention my hair attracts. I've always stood out somewhere. Even at the circus my dad took me to when I was 9. And I'll never forget that.

I start to walk towards the massive doors, before I regret my begging, and gladly make my way through them without any comments on my hair.


After walking through the halls for about ten minutes Im starting to get a bit angry. No one has thought to help a poor girl like me... just stare.

And let me tell you, I've just about had enough of it already. So when I trip over a 'accidentally' misplaced foot, I immediately lose my cool.

"What the hell are you doing!? Just leaving your foot out there for me to trip you bloody-" I stopped, surprised at who I looked up at.

Oh my freaking god. His chiseled face was set in a smirk as he looked down at me. His bright green eyes pierced through mine as I stared at his ruffled black hair and broad chest. Sexy...

"Like what you see, babe?" Hottie spoke with amusement as I snapped out of my dazed state.

"Ugh, no... just leave so I can get to class." My anger was replaced by nervousness as my mind stayed on hottie that was now holding a hand infront of my face to, I assume, help me up.

"Come on babe, let me help you find your class." He spoke with a deep voice that set something off deep inside me.

Weirded out by the feeling I got up on my own and faced hottie with my 'b*tch pose' in position. (Hands on hips, one leg out and my face that basically says 'why the f**k?')

"Okay butthole...number one, stop calling me babe 'cause I'm not yours in any way... number two dont stick your foot out like an idiot... and last but not least get the f**k away before I punch you." Once I finished my speech, gasps were heard around me as I look around a see a crowd has gathered to circle me and hottie. "What the f now people? No one ever insulted this piece of sugar honey ice tea before?"

"Nope, never babe. They are too scared." Hottie answered for them.

"Scared of what? Your ugly face?"

"For f**- no, they are scared of me and what I can do baby." He slowly stalked closer as he said this, each step enphasising his growing anger.

"Hmm... so scary, like honestly my bunny slippers just ran away. Go fetch them for me, please?" As he got closer I started to walk backwards until my back hit a set if lockers.

Shît... now im in trouble. His smirk only grew as he saw I was corned.

"Well babe, I guess I need to prove just how bad I can be... don't I? Cause we don't want you thinking that I'll be easy on a newbie like you." His face came closer to mine as he leaned into me.

This situation is getting out of hand. I need to stop it, quick. So without thinking I drop low and duck under his very well muscled arms. Mmmhhmmm....

I sprint down the hall way and away from the scene to find the office, which I see is basically around the corner from where I entered. Ffs... all that for nothing.


A/n: hey guys just letting you know that this is my first wattpad story so please try be nice and don't slap me too hard if I made a mistake😉.

I would love it if you guys could give me some tips and stuff and I'll probably update like once or twice a week. Just letting you know I'm gonna do some drawings of some more title pages so please tell me which is the best!

Thanks guys! 😜👌

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