Chapter 6- Camzii

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Lauren P.O.V
Last day was very nice, we went to so many places with the all the girls. And im super happy that i got to spend a great time with Camila. I really can't believe how all this happened. Its a miracle! I never thought of Camila and i actually being a thing... together! I thought that she doesn't want any of this and wants us just to be friends...

Today, we're both going to the soccer stadium to see our favorite teams play. FCB and Real Madrid are playing today. My favorite soccer team is FCB. I never thought of asking Camila about her favorite soccer team, i will ask her when she wakes up. Im so excited to watch them. The last time i watched a live soccer game was when i was 14.

I went to the toilet, brushed my teeth and came back to bed. I sat on the bed again and saw Camila moving a bit. "Hmm.. Good Morning love" she told me. I smiled. "Good Morning" i told her back. I bent down on the bed to kiss her and she put her hand on my mouth. I raised my eyebrows and gave her a 'what are you doing?' Look. "I need to brush my teeth first" she told me while staring right into my eyes. Oh god how beautiful those brown eyes are. "Ugh? I dont mind babe, let me try to kiss you with a bad breath for once pleeaaase?" i said. She pulled me by my neck and i was nearly laying over her with my 2 hands on the bed. She pulled my neck and kiss my lips. Her soft pink lips were like stuck like glue on my own lips. Her tongue taste like strawberries. Kissing her is seriously the best. Her kisses were the best kisses I've ever recieved. I opened my eyes while she was kissing me and saw the way the movements of face is. I laughed in between the kiss and she smiled. "Now you can brush your teeth Camzii". She went strait to the toilet while i was waiting for her on bed.

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