You really have to see this!

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Because some of you were really begging for update, I decided to write something short uwu

I really hope you like this and don't think that I messed up the whole thing


           The door flew open in tenth of a second, causing an awful sound and a flow of the air. It woke up three souls in the dim room. Teppei jumped up, face turned white like he had just been near to death.

"...What is your problem, Furihata?" Hyuga mumbled as he reached for his glasses, to put them on his nose. He grabbed the blanket with his free hand, pullet it better on. "Don't you know that you shouldn't wake up your seniors like that" he started to raise his voice, purely annoyed.

Izuki placed his bare feet on the cold surface of wooden floor. The sharp coldness pierced through his whole body, making him twitch. His black hair was a mess, and small eyes were closed. He just couldn't open them. Eyelids felt like they weighed more than 30 kilograms.

"You have to see this!" young male said quickly, ignoring everything his upperclassman said to him. His eyes were a bit widened and the lips were twisted with a stupid grin. "You really have to see this!" he repeated, making his scentence more powerful by adding one word and even more of his amusement in the tone of his voice.

It took a little while before the males were able to say anything or even move their finger. What was that something they had to see so badly? Why was Furihata that excited?

Junpei let a deep sigh out between his lips before he forced himself to get out of the bed, to leave the warm, soft, so damn comfortable blankets. The air felt really cool on his skin. "...Fine.." he muttered a silent answer.

Wearing just his underpants he glanced at the other two in the room, commanded them to come with him. He didn't want to be the only one who had forced himself up for something stupid.

Kiyoshi picked up his phone from the floor, opened the lock screen just to see how much the time was. It seemed to be still dark outside, and his every muscle was screaming for a little more sleep.

The bright light hit his face. It felt like it was burning his eyeballs, so he had to squeeze his eyelids back closed again for a while.


Why the hell was Furihata awake this early!? What could he have to show at this time!?

Oh, dear God...

With every inch of his body feeling sore, he stood up, rubbing his eyes with his hands. With silent steps he followed his three teammates out of the room, to the hallway.

Izuki raised his other eyebrow as he saw a great amount of his teammates gathered up at one door. They had opened it a little, just to see inside.

"...What the hell...?" Hyuga asked, not knowing what else he should say.

Kogainei turned his face immediately at his captain and raised his pointing finger to his own lips, asking him to be silent.

"Look at them" you could clearly hear how Furihata had to fight with all his power to keep the amusement inside him, and to keep his voice whispering. "I was going to check out if Koganei-san and Mitobe-san were still sleeping, but I messed things up with the doors and found these two like this!" he explained, holding in his laughter.

Teppei took a few little steps so he could see better inside.

When he saw it, he couldn't help but let a gentle smile took over his face.

Two beds in the room. One of them was empty and untouched. Kagami and Kuroko were both sleeping in the other. Their blanket had fallen down on the floor, but they got the warmth they needed from each other. They were curled up like a couple. The smaller one was sleeping on Taiga's chest, and the redhead's both hands were tightly wrapped around his core, like he wouldn't ever let go.

Peaceful breathing and silent snoring filled the room. Only the light from doorway lit up the space.

"I have to take a picture" Izuki said immediately, running away with silent steps to get his phone.

Hyuga looked at them for a few seconds with a straight face, not knowing how to react. But soon enough he sneered shortly and closed his eyes, amused.

"...Should we wake them up?" Koganei asked, but Mitobe gave him the answer for the whole team by shaking his head gently.

"...Let them be" Kiyoshi smiled silently. "They don't have to know that we found them like this. If they have something to tell us, they will do it, sooner or later" he muttered, trying to keep his voice as low as possible.

Izuki rushed back in less than 30 seconds from his leaving. He had found his phone in no time and already had opened the camera.

After checking out that there wouldn't come any noise when taking the picture, he saved the sight in his phone's memory. He took more than two or three pictures of them from different angles.

He would show the pictures for them sooner or later. At the latest when he would graduate.

The whole team stared at them for minutes, without saying anything. Everyone of them had a smile on their lips, wider or more gentle, depending on the guy.

After a while they finally closed the door, let them alone again. Neither of said anything while walking back to their beds, to get even a little bit of sleep before forced to wake up again.

It would be hard to not to smile tomorrow when looking at Kagami and Kuroko. 

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