Chapter 34 - Wolves Attack

Start from the beginning

"You better not lay a finger on her. I'll kill you if you." Jongin warned, as he glared. 

"Oh, I'll touch her and kill her right before your very eyes." Seung-Li said. 

Jongin couldn't take it anymore, so he attacked him. 


"What was that?" Key asked. 

"I don't know. Let's go check it out." Jonghyunreplied. 

On the other side of the building, Taemin and Minho heard a crash. 

"What was that?" Taemin asked. 

"Don't know. But before we go, we need to do something here." Minho said, looking at the computer. 

Taemin arched his brow and looked. 

"Yah, Hyung!" Taemin smacked him on the head. 

"Ow! Wae?!" Minho asked 

"This is not the time to look at porn!" Taemin exclaimed. 

Myungsoo and Dongwoo heard the noise as well. 

Myungsoo had this feeling that something's wrong. 

"Something's wrong." he said. 

"What is it?" Dongwoo asked. 

Myungsoo clenched his fist, making his knuckles white. 

"Jongin's in trouble."


Jongin fought with Seung-Li with all his might. Vampires are really getting strong. Jongin was still in his human form.

"Interesting, you're not changing into a wolf." Seung-Li said. 

Jongin glared. 

"You're not strong enough to defeat me, Jongin. You're so weak, just like your flithy father." Seung-Li said. 

That made Jongin blood boiled. He gave all his strength to push Seuung-Li into a wall. 

Jongin then grabbed his collar and glared. 

"Don't say a word about my father. I'll have my revenge soon."

Seung-Li smirked. 

"I'll like to see that...before I kill your lovely girlfriend." 

Jongin punched him the face, making the wall broke. 

Myungsoo ran into a room, finding a big hole. Seung-Li winced as he got up. 

"I're all here." he said. 

Infinite, EXO, and SHINee got ready for a attack, but Seung-Li suddenly vanished. 

"Where did he go?" Hoya asked. 

Jongin punched the wall, mad. Then he had this feeling, knowing where Seung-Li would go. 

"Oh no." he mumbled. 

"What?" Sehun asked. 

Jongin didn't answer but he ran out of the company as he turned into his wolf form. 


Hana was knitting a scarf, just for fun. She sighed and leaned back. 

I wonder when's this going to end? Appa....Eomma... she thought as a tear fell. 

Then something came into the house. Hana quickly stood up and looked towards the window. She carefully walk towards it and she opened it. 

Nothing is out here, but what was that noise? she thought.

She was about to go back, but then...she knocked out. 

That person smirked and he carried her out. 

Jongin ran into the house, looking for Hana. 

"Hana! Hana!" Jongin shouted. 

He saw the scarf that she was making, then the wind started to pick up. 

He looked towards the window, and he noticed that it was opened 

He walked towards the window and looked around. He was about to close the window, but he saw something on the ground. 

It was Hana's necklace. 

He quickly picked it up. He then saw the note that was left on the bench. 

I'm going to make her suffer, just like how I poisoned your father to death.


Jongin clenched his fist tightly. 

I can't lost Hana. There's not way I can't lose her. 

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Jongin yelled out of anger.

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