Chapter 27 - Afraid You'll Get Hurt

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The sun shined brightly on Hana's face. 

She yawned sliently and felt heavy around her waist. 

Jongin's arms was wrapped around her, tightly. Hana couldn't help, but giggle. Jongin is too cute at times. 

She slowly removed his arm and went to the bathroom and did her thing. 

Hana got out and got dressed into a casual look. Short green jeans and a white cute top, showing her shoulders, just a little bit.

Jongin was still asleep so, Hana walked out of the room. 

Everything was so quiet. Hana decides to make breakfast, but....

"What do they usually eat?" she asked herself. 

"We eat like you do." 

She turned around and saw DO, wide awake. 

"Oh, DO. How long have you been standing there?" she asked. 

DO chuckled. "I just woke up."

Hana smiled at that. 

"Anyway, what do you want to eat?" she asked. 

"Well, we usually eat Kimchi Salad at this time." DO replied. 

"Great! I'll get started." Hana said. 

"I'll help." DO offered. But...

"Aniyo!" Hana pushed DO into the living room. 

"But Hana—-" she cut him off. 

"Nope! I don't allow men into the kitchen." Hana said. 

DO just stared at her. 

"Please." DO said. 

"Ani. You boys go do your thing. I'll call you guys that breakfast is ready." Hana said. 

DO sighed out of defeat. 

Jongin picked the right girl. he thought. 

"Arrasso." he said. 

"Breakfast is ready!" Hana exclaimed. 

And one by one, every boys came into the kitchen. 

"That was fast." she mumbled. 

Every plate was served and the food was served. 

They all digged in and Hana noticed someone wasn't here. 

"Where's Kris?" she asked. 

"He's with Jessica." Luhan replied. 

"How do you know?" Suho asked. 

"I just know." Luhan replied. 

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