Chapter 1 - First meeting

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"Hana!" Her mother called.
The little girl turned around and smiled at her beautiful mother.

"Eomma!" Hana ran into her mothers arms.

"Eomma! Look what I picked up." She said.

Her mother saw what's in her hand. It was a puppy wolf.

"Where did you find that, Hana?" Her mother asked.

"Over there. Behind the bush." She replied.

Her mother smiled at the little wolf and she noticed that the little puppy wolf was injured.

"Oh no, it's paw is broken. Come." Her mother said.

Hana nodded and followed her mother.

Hana set the puppy on the table gently as her mother grabbed the aid kit.

Her mother put medicine onto its paw, while the puppy whimpered.

"It's okay, mommy won't hurt you." Hana said.

Her mother continued to put more medicine and wrapped a cloth around its paw.

"Done." She said.

Hana picked up the little wolf and pet it.

"Now careful, Hana. It's only a puppy." Her mother said.

"I know, Mom. Can we keep him?" Hana asked.

Her mother giggled.

"I don't think we can, sweetie." Her mother looked at the little wolf.

"It's a wild animal and wolves isn't a pet." She said.

"Please." Hana pouted.

Her mother sighed.

"All right, we'll keep it for a month until its paw heals."

Hana smiled at that.


~6 days later~
Hana was outside with the little wolf. It's has been a great day for her.

They were playing around in the backyard. Hana didn't have any friends just yet.

Her mother watched her little daughter playing with the wolf.

"Yeobo, I've never seen Hana smile at that." Her husband, Jaehyun said.

She smiled at that.

"I know. Ever since you went to your oversea meeting with President Han." she said.

Jaehyun chuckled and held onto his wife.

"We better let the little puppy go back to his home. His parents might be worried about him." Jaehyun said.

"I know. But Hana looks so happy." His wife said.

"I understand that, but it's a wild animal." He said.

Her mother sighed.

"I promised Hana we can keep it for a month."

Jaehyun cupped his wife's cheek.

"You can't make promises you can't keep." He said.

She sighed again.

"I'll tell her tonight."

~Later that night~

Hana was tucked into bed with the little wolf on his side. Her mother giggled at the cute scene.

"Hana, eomma have something to tell you." She said.

Hana nodded and waited for her mom to continue.

The Wolf And His Beauty (EXO KAI LOVE STORY)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang