The first day

31 2 8

Dear diary,

Last night was pretty much a horrible and a really confuse day. Can't wait to go back home...

I shut my book close with my head downwards. I started to cry even though I don't do it often like those sassy girls in my school do. I really want to go back home. In my mind, I was thinking about how my mom will react when seeing my body lying on the bed without moving. Tears drop more on the cover book, but I clean it away. 

I tell myself that Braden is going to help me get out, but that doesn't really calm myself much. I'm desperate right now. I can't do anything so I head into the bathroom and ready myself .

After a while, I head downstairs to check at Braden. He was cooking something in the kitchen.

"Uhm...hey.."I nervously call out.

Braden turn to look at me, with the unsettle expression.

"Oh hey..great you're awake. Uhm..I make you breakfast. Come have a sit." , he said.

I enter the kitchen and found an empty seat pair with an venerable wooden round table by the window. I decided to have a seat. 

Braden turns back and head to my table with an omelet smoking on a plate. He lands the plate firmly in front of me and sit next to me with a smile.

I take my first bite , slowly biting  the omelet into small little pieces and admiring the taste of it.

"How was it?", Braden ask kindly.

I stop biting and speak ,"Yeah, it was good." 

I continue my meal miserably, still thinking for a way to get myself out from my dreams. I was half way done the omelet, but decided to ask Braden.


Braden look at me and answer, "Yes Kate?"

"Tell me now. Tell me why I'm here. Tell me why I'm stuck in here. ",  I say in curiosity while one of my tears drop down.

I pause for his answer.


Braden sigh and look down miserably , trying to find words to admit. I grab his arm and shake it, convincing him to answer.

"IT WAS MY JOB!", Braden shout in relief.

I pause again, "what?"

"It was my job to do it. It was my dad. MY DAD!", Braden shout in anger, trying to hide his tears.

I was confuse at the moment but his statement did explain why he frowns every time I ask him about his personal stories. I still don't understand that this problem also has to involve his "dad", but I just have to let Braden chill out a moment.

"Your dad? What about him?", I ask.

"Look Kate. This is a long story to tell. I don't want you to know much about it...", Braden warn me.

I pause , thinking that Braden didn't take the situation that serious and was playing around.

"Why shouldn't I know , Braden?! My body is right there on my bed, sleeping peacefully without moving! What do you think that my mom will gonna do when she sees me like this?! Its not time to joke around, I need to get back! Tell me now!", I stand up and shout slamming the table as hard as I can. 

Braden stand up to me and give me a very tight but very mild hug , telling me thats everything is going to be alright.

"Shhhhhhh Kate. Calm down. Calm down Kate. Shhhhh", Braden speak with one of his tears dropping down through my dress.

I hug him back, regardlessly knowing that there's no hope to get back to my body. We both cry together, endlessly in a very miserable way, knowing that there is no solution to our situation right now...

THE DREAMTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang