Confessions of Mrs. Frankie Stars

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-Flashback to Summer if 2012-
I adjust the camera correctly infront of Bryan who was standing next to the famous Danny Worsnop and Andy Biersack. I watched as they talked about anything that came to mind before Bryan interviewed the two. Bryan gave me the okay to start the camera which of course I did.

"Hey, what's up guys? I'm here with Andy Biersack and Danny Worsnop today..." I start to just ignore what my older brother says until I am being yelled at by the three men.

"Let's go Frankie!!" Bryan yells add Danny and Andy walk over to me. I watch them slowly advance towards me. I confine to just stand there watching the situation going on.

I take a look at the outfit on me being tugged away with me. I was in one of Bryan's shirts that said, "music saved my life" a pair of destroyed black skinny jeans, a Gir jacket, combat boots, my infamous pentagram bracelet, spiked Tappers, and a punk skull necklace. I try to smooth out my outfit by Wiggling around in Andy and Danny's grasp until they let me go and I'm left standing by Bryan. Ofcourse he towers over me just like everybody else.

"This is my little sister, Frankie. She is actually my little sister, not only in height but age as you could probably tell. Frankie how tall are you?" I roll my eyes and cross my eyes at the shitty intro he gave me.

"I'm Frankie. I'm five foot even. Not a hair over that." Andy and Danny decide to stand right by me and tower over me.

"Aww look at the little girl." Andy says trying to fake a high pitched girly voice. All I do is stick my middle fingers in the air repeating, "fuck you" over and over again under my breath.

-Three months ago from present day-
I turn to the camera infront of me on the computer. I breathe in then start the video.

"Hey my little invaders, it's Frankie. Um I need to kind of discuss something in this video." I take a few second break then begin again.

"Probably after today, I will not be posting anymore videos on MDE or my account. I'm leaving YouTube got a while to think about my actual career in life. I never actually planned on being a YouTuber with about two hundred thousand subscribers and almost four hundred thousand followers on Twitter and ask that fun stuff. I planned on being a comic book artist. I have applied for many different art colleges that range from big name colleges such as the sty institutes to a small local art studio and college." I pull out one if my sketchbooks with a fat sharpie.

"So because of me practically leaving YouTube, I will be having a meet and greet at the mall here in Vegas. Then I will be having a contest where you can win a piece of art by me. Those who enter and don't win, I will give a personal Skype call or video withe everyone else who enters. No matter what you'll win." I wave to the camera once more.

"So long and goodnight lovelies." I say before ending the video.

-present day(summer if 2015)-
"Bryan." I whine a he drags me along to another video. Today he was interviewing Danny Worsnop and Ronnie Radke. Ronnie and I had a tight bond. I called him dad, he called me daughter. He called me "wittle sissy", I called him "big bruder" We were the of best friends.

"Hey guys it's Bryan Stars. I'm here today with Danny Worsnop and Ronnie Radke. Guest staring with us is my little sister who legally changed her last name to Cerulli because apparently she wanted to be Chris motionless from motionless in white's sister instead of mine." I roll my eyes then exist off to a different room until the interview is over with over.

Above picture is Frankie

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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