Chapter 5

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Today was the day my sister and I would be free. Jordan has been making sure I was fed as well as my sister. I still Love that boy ❤. Jordan sat in the corner on his phone, while o sat still tied up. Victoria came in with the other dude, whose name I forgot. "Jordan I'm leaving and when I come back they better be here" " okay. Whatever " he said dismissing the conversation. She looked my way and smirked before walking out. We found out last week that it was my nephew who was sold to the dude in Brazil. My first nephew gone and probably never coming back. Soon as we heard the front door slam, Jordan hopped out of his seat. "Okay, let's get you guys out of here " " hold up you didn't make sure both of them we're gone" " girl you think I'm stupid. I out tracking chips and both of their phones and on the car, and right now their on Calloway Drive " he said showing me his phone. " okay I'm trusting you" He untied us before walking out and motioned for us to follow. We followed him through this big ass house before finally getting to the first floor. " WHERE Y'ALL THINK YOU GOING? " some big man said."shit " Jordan mumbled. Before I could move or say anything I heard a gun click. The man pulled the trigger just as, Jordan jumped in front of me.

Its been almost two weeks without my daughters and grandson. Its killing me. We have Amber Alerts out everywhere. I hope my babies come home soon. I haven't really been to work in these two weeks. My boss know my situation, and gave me a vacation with pay. " Lord I pray wherever my babies at they return home safe and sound. Amen." I tossed and turned in my bed all night trying to go to sleep as my youngest daughter slept. Who would take two of my daughters and not the last one?
I sat in my warehouse, packaging up some new material that came in. The little boy sat in the corner playing on the tablet that I bought him to keep him occupied. After finishing the packaging, I went online to Brazil Bank to check my balance. 4.2 million. Just enough to pass my seat down to my right hand man. The one and only Palito. " EVERYBODY IN THE MEETING ROOM NOW" I said over the warehouse intercom.

I made my way into the Meeting Room, where everyone else was standing. "Okay, As you all know I've been running this business for a while now. Well I think Im at the finish line. I'm going back home to my family. So I've decided to pass this empire down to my right hand man Palito. I think you'll be able to handle it. " I said before, grabbing the MarQual and walking out the trap for good, the drug business for good, this life for good. Time for a mew start.
I havent seen my baby boy in 2 weeks besides on TV with 'Amber Alert: 1 year MarQual Patterson is still missing ' something i dont wanna see. Ive shed a couple of tears on some nights and my mom is upset. I had told my son i was gonna take him to Chucke E Cheese when i woke up. Only to wake up and find my baby boy gone along with his mother and Auntie. I know i was wrong in the past for all the stuff i did to Liyah but thats my baby and i wanna make things right when she get home. Not if but when. Maurice been staying with his momma , im starting to take what everybody said into consideration and i want to get a blood test for him. But ill think about that later. Right now its all about My babyboy and Future WIfey ❤
Thats all i could think of right now.

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