:: Chapter One ::

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A/N: Images used are just found from google searches (unless otherwise stated as fan art given to me).. I don't art well

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"Get your asses in gear, landlubbers. There's work to be done!" The gruff garish voice of Captain Hobbs snarled above deck startling the sleeping girl from her haunted slumber.

                A gaunt young woman shakily sat up from the uncomfortable damp mildew covered floor of the ship's brig. Long silken sheets of ebony hair spilled down her bony frame as she struggled to pull herself into a sitting position. Thick bandages were wrapped around her eyes concealing a set of slashes that had been inflicted on her by the Hobbs Pirates upon her capture.

                Blindly she crawled across the damp floor of the brig scraping her hands and knees across broken glass and what felt like ground up bone. "I'll make you bastards pay." The young woman's voice was whisper soft and dripping with venom.

                Hobbs had promised her she could sail along with him and his crew in search of a single man. She knew he was at sea and hoped by boarding a pirate ship she'd be able to find him. However, Hobbs had other ideas in mind for allowing the raven haired beauty aboard his ship. The first few nights, nothing was amiss, she kept to herself she helped out with the chores and even helped prepare their meals. On the fourth night the captain demanded she 'entertain' the crew. When she refused things got violent. She was outnumbered forty to one. Somehow she'd managed to take out ten of his crewmates in the scuffle and would have taken more lives had it not been for the small shrapnel laced bomb that had gone off in her face.

                Her hands nimbly patted the filth covered floor around her in search of something that could be used as a tool. Being blind didn't hinder her too much; she'd lived her life in darkness.  An advantage of being an unwanted child and clinging to the night, her other senses were heightened to make up for her lack of sight. Something sharp pricked her finger as she blindly skimmed the floor with her hands. She drew in a sharp breath at the sudden prick and lightly smoothed her hands over the object.

                It was long and jagged and felt oddly similar to bone. Perhaps some men had been imprisoned in this brig before, much like her, and left to rot. One of them could have fashioned a tool out of the other's bone. The thought brought a small smirk to her pale rose petal lips. Did the survivor wait until his friend had succumbed to starvation and died or did he simply decide he was getting out of this rotting hell and dig in while the other suffered through the agony? Her smirk turned into a diminutive wicked smile.

                Living a lonely life of solitude from a very young age had seriously warped her mental stability. She gripped the jagged end of the bone tightly in her hand until a large amount of blood spilled from her palm. With a wave of her hand the crimson blood splattered across the floor around her. A forced choked outcry escaped her lips and she allowed herself to fall to the grime covered floor knowing full well Hobbs would want to watch her suffer in agony for killing his men. He wouldn't want to miss her death.

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