Chapter 2

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Brilliant jeweled colors greeted Evan's tired eyes. The room itself was nondescript, but reds, blues, greens, and yellows highlighted every surface, turning everything to stained glass.

Where am I? Evan thought.

"Finally awake, are you?"

Evan found himself staring into pale green eyes. Eyes that looked vaguely familiar. Long, greenish blond hair hung in his face and tickled his nose. Evan brushed it aside before shifting to sit up on the bed.

As his muddy thoughts cleared, details sharpened. The room rippled, not with air, but with water. He was in his blue form, breathing underwater as though he were on land. His chest felt funny, like a bubble of air was contained inside. Other than that and a mild headache, he couldn't complain. Although it would've been nice if Ken hadn't drugged him to bring him here. Wherever here was.

Ken. Evan couldn't think of him as his father, even if biologically it was true. His parents were Darren and Lydia Mitchell, the loving couple who raised him, who didn't even know that he wasn't Darren's son. And... crap! Who were probably worried sick about him. He was supposed to be home in Nova Scotia already since his internship ended.

"How long have I been out?" His eyes searched the room for the girl. She had to still be here, right? The blinding colors disoriented him. A shadow moved in the corner, but he couldn't make out any details.

"A few hours." Her voice was soft and friendly. "I offered to look after you until you awoke."

Evan squinted. It didn't help. He wished she'd move closer so he could see her. Something was nagging at his memory. She seemed so familiar. "Do I know you?"

She came into view, her long hair floating around her pale face. The light mint shade of her hair almost matched her eyes. His gaze moved from her beautiful face down her body, and he jumped. Her waist melded into a tail.

"You're a mermaid?" he asked.

"I prefer Siren." She swished her tail and pouted. "Don't you remember me?" She swam closer, running one finger along his cheek as her eyes searched his. "Not even a little?"

The memory sharpened. Weeks ago, Ken took him to that rundown bar for lunch. What was the name again? The Hideout? No, The Shack. It looked like a rundown shack on the outside, dirty and neglected. The inside was a different story of tasty food and even more delicious entertainment. The girls who waited on the tables and performed there were hypnotically beautiful. One in particular caught his eye. Their waitress. "Deanna?"

Her face lit with pleasure. "You do remember me! I knew you would." She lowered herself next to him on the bed, her tail lightly tapping his leg as she wound her hands around his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. Evan didn't think they formed any kind of relationship that night, but she was being extremely friendly. Friendlier than most people were when they met someone new.

Deanna squeezed his arm. "I like you. You're different than most of the others."

"Other Blue Men?" He felt her nod, but she didn't say anything. "Are they all here?"

"Most are here," she whispered. "Some are still in Azuria."

"Azuria!" He recalled reading Ken's mind and hearing that name as Ken told the story of how their queen, or Mother, died. Figuring the queen's name was important if Ken didn't say it aloud, Evan left it as a clue for Meara. Hopefully, she figured it out by now. It was vague, but he didn't have enough time to write anything else. Now Deanna was telling him it was the name of a place. Did he misunderstand? "I thought that was the name of the queen."

Deanna's eyes widened, and she covered his mouth with her hand. "Shhh... you do not want others to hear you. Azuria was the queen's name." Deanna's eyes darted back and forth as though she was confirming they were alone. "Azuria is also the name of their home." She lowered her head, and her voice dropped. "Azuria is everything to them."

Always Remembered, Chapters 1-3Where stories live. Discover now