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Third Eye Blind

"Well it's very nice to meet you Nova" putting out his hand for her to shake, " I'm Calum and I don't understand how I have never seen your beautiful eyes before." he explained looking into her bright blue eyes.

Nova can admit Calum is a very attractive boy, anyone in our town would agree. But she doesn't take his words or the looks he was giving her as a complement. She knew this was nothing new to Calum, he did this to every girl and she wouldn't fall for it. 

"Well Calum I'm not sure either." Nova said giving him a sarcastic smirk, Nova knew that he knew that she knew who he was, everyone that goes to school in this town knew who he was.

"Well do you go to school around here?" he asked confused on how he hasn't seen this girl.

"I go to the school down the road from here, but I have been to some of your parties." Nova explained.

Calum thought hard to all of his parties, but doesn't remember seeing her at any of them. "Are you sure those were my parties, because there is no way I would have walked by a girl like you." he said looking her up and down.

"Yes, I was at the one last night, you were probably to caught up thinking with your dick to notice anyone around you." she said giving him a look like what she said was completely obvious.

"Already thinking about my dick? We've only met a couple of minute ago." He said giving her a smirk.

"Is your mind always on your dick, Calum?" She asked raising her eyebrow.

"I don't think you'd want to know what's on my mind right now." he said catching his bottom lip between his teeth. 

"Does this usually work on girls?" Nova asked.

"Well that depends, is it working on you?" he asked giving her a smirk, knowing very well that it wasn't but it amused him.

"No quite" Nova said moving towards the counter and pulling out a stack of returned DVDs, "but we should get to work shouldn't we?" Nova said giving up on the conversation they were having. 

"I'm ready when you are."


By the end of the shift Nova was more then exhausted and she wasn't sure how she was going to make her walk home without passing out. She had no idea how she is going to get through working with Calum. But Calum wasn't as worried, having Nova to work with was a lot better then alone and Nova pushing him away was making all the more inciting for Calum to break down all of her walls. By the end of the shift Calum had become a little less flirtatious and a bit more tolerable, but not enogh for Nova to be excited for the next shift she had with him. 

Friday had quickly came around, after a week without Calum at the dvd shop because of some dumb reason he had made up and told my boss who then told me, but the shifts alone was something she enjoyed so she savored her last couple of them without out Calum there. Nova was now sitting along side with her friend Ivy in the cafeteria at their lunch. Ivy was one of Nova's closest friends, they had met way back when and have been together ever since.

"So are you coming with me to the party with me tonight" Ivy ask raising an eyebrow at her friend looking around the cafeteria.

"Probably, who's party is it?''

"Uhh.. Calum's" Ivy said hopeful that Nova wouldn't mind that much.

" Oh god, I think I've spent enough time with him even if I haven't seen him in a week" Nova exclaimed falling back into her seat. 

"I was only one day" Ivy laughed rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, a day to much."

"Well i mean if you guys end up hooking up at the party, it atleast won't be bad I mean a guy that gets that much ass must be pretty impressive." Ivy smiled trying piss off her friend.

Nova gave her friend a look of annoyance and an eye roll.

"Come on, let's be real you wouldn't be complaining of you did hook up right?" Ivy asked with a smile knowing very well what the answer was.

"Probably would."

"Yeah right." Ivy said giving her friend a shove.

"How about you hook up with him? You seem pretty keen." She asked giving her friend a smile.

"I couldn't do that knowing you're falling for the guy." Ivy joked knowing it would annoy Nova, but Nova's protests were interrupted by the bell. "I'll pick you up at 9 alright?" Ivy told her more then asked, then quickly turning and heading for class before Nova could make up an excuse not to go.


Thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed it, leave a comment or vote if you want to lmao, the song doesn't go with the chapter very much and its third eye blind again but I had the hardest time picking one. And I know its kind of slow rn but i want to build up like their personalities a bit so yeah. I hope you have a lovely rest of your day (◠‿◠✿)

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