The Real Forever - Chapter 2

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The Real Forever - Chapter 2

''Honey, you didn't even touch your dinner. What's wrong?'' mom came into my room with a plate of fish and chips. Usually I would have been the first one who ate finish my dinner but the news of Sean moving away was just too much for me right now. When we were young, I used to push everyone away because I thought Sean and Tiffany were the only two friends I needed. Turns out those two were leaving me.

''Emily, I'll leave your dinner on your study table. Eat it while it's still warm, alright?'' mom called after me and shut the door. 

''Psst. Psst.'' I heard someone at my bedroom balcony. Who was that? I walked over carefully but confidently since I knew karate. 



''Are you gonne eat that? he pointed at my dinner which was going to get cold if I don't eat it soon. ''Nah, you can have it. So why did you came over?'' 

''Just to spend more time with my best friend. I'm a boy so no girly talk about boys. Tell me something.''

''Even though you're a boy, you gossip like a girl. Anyways, when are you leaving?''

''Mostly like...Friday? Didn't you read my email?''

''Yeah I did. Will we still be best friends after you are gone?'' I took out my teddy bear and hugged it. I always did that when I feel like someone was going to leave me. I did the same too when Tiffany left.

''Of course, Em. Oh, I got to go. Mom's texting me to get back. Tell you what, tomorrow, my mom will say both of us are sick and we can spend the last day together at the tree house.''

''That's cool! Hey, remember last year at the school's spring dance? Before I could even slow dance I fell and hurt my knee? Sorry you didn't get to dance. You know you could have find another dance partner right? I mean, so many other girls like you!'' I pretended to punch his shoulder.

''Yeah, well. You're my best friend. And I won't dance with other girls except for my buddy. Sometimes it's annoying that you could choose a girl out of so many.''

''Why? If I had so many boys liking me, I would always choose the guy that would tuck me into bed every night and sing to me until I sleep, bring me to a beautiful lake and always be there for me. Well, haha that would never happen. You should be happy you have so many girls, you nuthead.'' I laughed and lied down on the bed.

''Okay, Em. I'll see you tomorrow. Get some sleep.'' I closed my eyes and drifted off to dreams.


''Wake up, honey. Sean's mom told me what happen. I thought you might want me to wake you up.'' I quickly jumped out of the bed and get ready to meet Sean at the tree house. Mom was busy with babysitting my little cousin so I had to take the bus to the lake.

''Hey Em! I thought you forgotten about what I said. Luckily you didn't!'' 

The day went on and on with activities and one included me falling FIRST down the tree house then Sean jumped which made me flat under him. Some guys who apparently skipped school too, came over to the lake by afternoon. 

''Hey little girl. Want to play with us?'' obviously those kind of boys which I hated most. But of course, I wasn't scared knowing I could hit all of them at once. But Sean didn't know that of course. He dragged me to a abandoned house near the lake and we hid there. 

I turned to look at Sean and he had a scratch on his forehead which was bleeding. 

''Hey are you okay? You're bleeding.'' 

''Yeah, I am. Let's go home. I have to get ready for tomorrow.''  we got out from the back door of the house since we knew that the boys would have been waiting outside at the front door of the house. We got back home safely of course.

The next day was a sad day for the both of us of course. 

I couldn't follow him to the airport since I was sick...ON THE MOST IMPORTANT DAY OF MY LIFE! and so Sean came to my house before going off. 

''Here's a locket. Make sure you remember me, Emily.'' he said to me and gave me a hug. I was so going to miss this boy. 

''We'll meet again, someday.'' and we pinky promised. As always since we were young, we would never break out pinky promises. 

We again.


Okay, don't worry, this is just the start of Emily and Sean's adventure! So be excited! Read, vote, share! :)

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