"I don't know. I guess, I'm not capable of making family ever," he sits up and leans on his elbow.


He stays silent and looks at the sea before him. I try to read his face, but nothing can be read. He's so good at hiding his feelings and emotions at bay.

"Why are you trying to hide? Why are you incapable of love? What made you the way you are?" I take his chin and turn his face toward me and look straight into his eyes. They now turn into shades of black. My hand follows its lead to his cheek and caresses him. His hand moves immediately to my wrists and stops me.

"You don't know me, Laura. My life wasn't easy, no one can understand it." And then he releases my hand and I put it on my lap. "I tried it once and I failed. I don't want to go over it again,"

His voice wasn't threatening or even scarring, but it was full of secrets and promises that were once held to be forever, but somehow they broke and that is why he is the way it is. He doesn't say any other words, but a feeling inside me tells me about his mother and how he acted when we saw her.

After twenty minutes of silence, I decide we should call it a night, after all, what is there to talk when he doesn't open up to me or let me in after I spilled all my life to him while I haven't talked to anyone about my life before. And I can't blame him for it; anyone who has a rough past can't talk about their life easily to anyone, especially if it's a man with a profile like Andrew.

The car ride to my apartment is a forty minute without traffic line, fortunately. Andrew keeps his eyes on the road without saying a word. The tuned-off MP3 player in his Land Rover makes it much more awkward, almost like that awkward moment when you say your last goodbye. That much drama queen of me, huh?

When we arrive at my place, Andrew is about to open his door so he can help me out of the car, but I stop him since it's midnight and of course he had a hard day.

"I guess, I see you soon." He says offering me a small smile.

"I guess so," I return his smile and get out of the car. Standing on the pavement, I wait for him to speed off and when his car is invisible, I walk into the lobby and to my apartment.

In my home, I think back to his words on the beach. There are two theories running down in my mind. One is his mother and two is his so-called ex-girlfriend. By the intense look on his face back at the shop, I can tell he had a past with his mother. What if his mother abused him? But no, that is, undoubtedly, incorrect. His mother seemed really kind and well civilized; she couldn't even be that much of an evil to hurt his own son. So it must be something to do with the she-devil, Amelia. Call me jealous, but what can I do when I just informed that they were dating while Andrew denies the very fact of it.

With these thoughts, I finally drift to a long sleep and soon start to dream about our night at the beach.

The next morning goes softly as it always does, but with some talking about what everyone is going to do for the weekend. At first, I was thinking to some girls night with the girls since I cancel on them the last time, but then again, I remember my contract with Andrew and that I should be available for him for the whole Sunday and Saturday. Come to think of it, I've been with Andrew the whole week. Well, not the whole week, but most of the night.

I sigh slightly and sink into my chair after the long meeting we had about the new changes after the new owner. Speaking of the new owner, he hadn't yet shown up his face or any name of his, but whoever he is, he seems like doesn't want to get us a good salary. I'm just one step away from quitting this job now that I've been offered my dream job.

It's not three in the afternoon yet when my phone goes off with the name of Andrew flashing on the display. I think he's been thinking about me all day that made him such desperate to call me this soon. With a smirk on my face, I decide to answer it.

Flames Of Seduction- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now