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"I'm taking you to the hospital."

"W-what? Why?!"

"Because you've been grunting since yesterday. Plus, you look like you're about to collapse," the pale man says while guiding his friend to the sofa.

"Aleks, I don't need to go to the fucking doc- Ow!"

James rubs his hand on his back, hoping that it would sooth the feeling of being pierced. What Aleksandr had said was true; the pain was beginning to be unbearable and pills weren't going to help.

"I'm going to get my keys... Stay put."

"Yea, as if I could actually move," the brunet muttered loud enough for the other to hear. Indeed, his friend heard, resulting in a chuckle and the faint words, 'Oh James'.

Soon enough, Aleks arrived with his car keys in hand and sunglasses perched up on his head. James rolled his eyes when he saw the smile on the Russian's face and complied with the hand helping him to rise off of the brown sofa.

"I already told Jordan that we're leaving. He said that it would be alright for you to take tomorrow off."

"Why would I need tomorrow? It's not like the doctor is going to do shit to me."

"I know that you'll still be feeling like crap after this, but I think that they'll actually give you something for your back."

"What makes you think that?" James asks as they make their way to the exit of the building.

"Let's just say that me being there is a guarantee that the visit won't be worthless."

What the fuck is he planning?

~ ~ ~

  The two Creatures were now in a hospital room; one, being James, was on the uncomfortable bed and the other, Aleks, sat in a plastic chair nearby. It took a few minutes before the a man dressed in a white uniform entered.

"Good Evening Mr. Wilson. Did the injection calm down your pain?"

"A bit. It just feels kinda numb now."

"Hm, may I ask who is this companion of yours?"

"He's Aleksandr, my-"

"Boyfriend, I'm his boyfriend. You can call me Aleks," the twenty-two year-old says while shaking hands with the doctor.

"Ah, I wasn't aware that you had a partner Mr. Wilson. You know gay marriage is legalised in all states now, have you two thought about marrying?"

"Doctor Jones, I'm not-"

"-We've been thinking about it a lot lately. It's most likely it'll happen soon," Aleks interrupts.

James stares at the other like a mad as he feels his hand being held with Aleks'. The middle-aged man, however, was oblivious to the straight up lies being told.

"Well, I assume that you'd like Mr. Wilson to feel at his best right now. It's a good thing you gentlemen have decided to come, I've got an opportunity for you," the doctor points at James and continues, "We've gotten some other forms of how to deal with patients that have the same problem as you. The most successful one has been a surgery that would take about two-hours in which we move your pelvic bone back to where it's supposed to be."

With the weird feeling of having Aleks' hands wrapped around his, James decided to ease into the touch so he could focus more on Doctor Jones' offer.

"Why wasn't I told this before?"

"Well, I didn't think that you'd prefer this option since I was unaware of you having someone who could accompany you during this process. Typically, you would need two to four days to recover without doing any heavy lifting, so having your partner here would be ideal for you to get right onto it."

Aleksandr Marchant sits up straight, without letting go of James' hand, and asks, "And how soon do you think James will be able to do the surgery?"

"If you think that you could manage not eating anything from tonight to tomorrow morning, the surgery could be done at around eleven daytime."

"What do you think James?"

"I'll do anything to get rid of this pain," the brunet said, sounding desperate. Indeed, he was sick of not being able to feel at his own age. Yes, he liked to look older, but he didn't want to feel older.

"Good, good," the grey haired man says with a smile, "The surgery doesn't have much risks, so I'm sure that everything will go well."

James had finally gotten used to holding Aleks' hand, to the point of tightening his grip and receiving smirk. He could feel his cheeks warm up, making himself feel a bit self-conscious for acting the way he is.

"Will I- uh have a big scar afterwards?"

"Perhaps it'll be three inches by your rear, it shouldn't be anything major."

"Thank you Doctor. The most important thing to me is seeing James healthy and happy, so I'm truly grateful for you giving him this opportunity."

Aleks' heartfelt words clearly messed with James' mind. It wasn't common to hear what the he meant to the other, making him feel doubtful if his words were facts. Looking at his pecan-colored irises made the brunet feel more convinced that it was true.

"I'm sure you are. James, I recommend that you should have your dinner before ten at night. On that note, I'll see you two tomorrow."

~ ~ ~

A few hours passed, resulting in a now a dark indigo sky filled with only the moon and a few stars. The two gamers decided to go to James' home and drag two chairs to the backyard.

"I can't believe that you just told him bullshit."

"What did you think I was going to do?"

"I really had no idea. How'd you know that it would work?"

"A cousin of mine told me that she had the same problem. It seems that doctors nowadays think that people don't have loved ones."

The brunet hummed and looked over to the other, who had his eyes closed and a smile. The light reflecting off the moon made Aleks look somewhat 'nice' as James stated in his mind. He didn't usually notice his friend's appearance, which made him wonder how he hadn't seen it before.

Maybe because the fucker constantly gives me a dumb smirk before he pisses me off.

"...Thanks, by the way."

The twenty-five-year-old heard a soft chuckle and the other saying, "Anything for you, bud."

*Note: The whole doctor thing is purely fictional*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2015 ⏰

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