Chapter 23- Attempt to rescue

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Winters pov earlier
I opened my eyes just enough to see out but not enough for anyone to see I'm a awake. I wanted a chance to evaluate the situation and make a plan so I could get the drop on them. I appeared to be in some kind of warehouse. Probably the storage space in a factory. Probably the one on maple street. There only seemed to be one exit up the stairs. They must be smart enough to know this is the perfect place to hold someone captive. Whoever 'they' are. As I looked at the box I was in it looked pretty high tech. Probably bullet prof glass. There was lights around the bottom which gave me light. And there were two small pipes at the top of the box leading to tanks on either side of me. Probably for oxygen, or whatever they want me to breath. Escape wouldn't be easy. But I have powers. I stood up and concentrated on the glass trying to freeze it. I felt nothing. Like my powers had run out. I tried again getting the same result. What is going on? "Did you really think I was going to kidnap you without figuring out how to temporarily shut off your powers?" A shadow said from the top of the stairs. " I was hoping you would be an amateur kidnapper trying to hold me for ransom. Unfortunately it appears not." I said. "Ah winter. Staying so calm in a bad situation. Deep down though? I know your terrified. After all, what are you without your powers? See I know all about you. I know how your in love with kid dumpster. I know how your staying with captain man. I even know that you've been attending Swellview middle school. Pretending to be normal. How disgusting! And I know that sleep chemical wore off five minutes ago and you've been trying to find an escape which I can assure you, there is none." I stared at him. How did he know all this about me? "It appears you have me at a disadvantage. I have no idea who you are." I said squinting trying to see him. "Oh my! How disrespectful of me!" Disrespectful? Where have I heard that before? Before I could place it I had my answer. Dr. Maniac stepped out of the shadow slowly walking downtown the stairs. I had never met him but I had read about him. The one villain who discovered captain man's weakness. Already broke out of prison once but captain man and kid danger out him back where he belongs. But I guess he got out again. "Dr. Maniac." I said. "ITS MINYAK!" He lost his cool a bit. "How did you get out of prison? Again." I said thinking about how stupid cops can be sometimes. "Let's just say Swellviews maximum security isn't so maximum. I worked my way around their electric lock system in a day. And it's amazing the people you meet in there!" By now he was standing right in front of me. The door at the top opened once again and a familiar shadow walked down the stairs right over to dr. Maniac. Fireball. My mother. "Hello darling. It's been a while. I'm so glad to have you back." She said and dr. Maniac wrapped his arms around her. "We have so much to catch up on! So what's new with you?" I glared at her. "Shy huh? Okay I'll go first. Oh! I know, meet your new father. My husband!" She said looking at dr. Maniac. I looked back and fourth between them. "Y-you m-married her? Y-you m-married him? WHAT?!" I said not processing. "Yep! Sudden I know but with the Internet and things these days it takes just under five minutes!" Fireball said smiling. "UGH!!! I don't know which is grosser the fact that she married you or that you married her!" I said to dr. Maniac in disgust. I nearly threw up. "Well we figured that the only way to properly raise you would be to have both sides of parenting. Which means you need a father. And now that you have one you should show him some respect!" Dr. Maniac said annoyed. "You? Be my father?! I don't think so! If anyone deserves that title it's captain man! He took me in and trained me and helped me when all fireball wanted me for was more power!" I yelled. "Wow. They really have brainwashed you. If you had stayed with me we would have had the whole city by now! And I wanted you to have power! I wanted you to have respect instead of doing this city's dirty work! And we could still be that big happy family who owns the city! Think about it winter! Everything could be perfect! You could stop fighting all the time and everything would be at your feet! You'd never have to lift a finger again!" I rolled my eyes. "I would never work with you! I don't want to own the city I want to preserve it! This city is owned by the people and it should stay that way!" I shouted. "Alright fireball. It's time to switch to plan B." Dr. Maniac said. "Plan B?" I asked. "You didn't think we wouldn't have a backup plan did you? If your not going to join us willingly I suppose you'll have to join us unwillingly. And the first step to our plan. Take out captain man and kid danger. That will be your job." I laughed. "I would never do that!" I said. "Oh trust me. You will. And don't you think your beloved kid danger would come running when he finds out your in trouble?" Again I laughed. "He doesn't care about me. He said so himself." I said. "Well then let's see who picks up." He said typing on a computer. "I don't care what you do! My gold memories will always keep me from being evil!" I said proudly. "Unless of course. You don't have those memories. Oh I almost forgot! And mute!" He said pressing a button on a remote he was holding. I yelled "What are you talking about!!" but he put a hand to his ear. "What? I'm sorry you'll have to speak up I can't hear you. See the whole point of a mute was so that you could hear everything but you can't make a sound." He laughed. Then he went back to the computer and Henry and Ray popped up on screen. "RAY! HENRY!" I screamed with joy even though I knew they couldn't hear me. Dr. Maniac and my mom blabbed about if they want me back they can come get me. Then they gave them the address. The camera pointed at me again. "DONT FALL FOR IT HENRY ITS A TRAP!!" I screamed and banged on the glass trying to get some kind of sound to him. Then the screen went dark. "Now to deal with you. I think that you have had the same boring powers for way to long!" Dr. Maniac said. He unmuted me. "Boring?! It's taken me long enough to control these powers thank you very much!" I said angrily. "Well I think it's time we add some don't you think fireball?" She nodded. "Definitely! You know what I always say! 'The more power the better!'" They laughed at her terrible joke. "Now to get to work." He started typing on the computer. "Now what should we do? Electricity? Telekinesis? Oh what the heck both! And let's make you irresistible to all who encounter you! Mix it with the memory serum and viola!" He said pressing one final button. "NO! Don't do do anything!" I screamed. I can't have more powers! I can't have my memory wiped! "Oh don't do anything like, this?" He pressed a button on the remote. Mist poured from the pipes in the box. "No!" I covered my mouth and nose with my sleeve but it didn't do much. I was trapped. I started frantically banging on the glass but everything started to spin. Soon I was on the floor coughing and my breathing heavy. I kept fighting, until I couldn't fight anymore.

Henry's pov
We stepped into the elevator and dropped further down. I screamed until we hit the floor. "I thought the man cave was the farthest floor down!" I said surprised. "Nope! There is one more floor. My extremely dangerous weapons room. Not even the government knows about this room. Some of the weapons in here could completely throw off the balance of power in this world." My eyes went wide. "Woah! Cool! But why are we using weapons like these?" I asked. "Because I'm tired of chasing these criminals down. They will always be a danger to society so it's time to put them down. I know that might be hard for you because you've never killed anyone before but-" I cut him off. "Your right. I'm tired of them too. I want them gone." "What seriously? And you won't feel bad?" He asked surprised. "No. Why should I? Dr. Maniac hit me with a dream beam and almost killed me! And fireball tried to turn winter evil and did all kinds of messed up stuff! They will always be a danger and there's no point in letting them walk this earth. Let's put them down." I said coldly. I meant it. They've tried to hurt me and the people I love too many times. Now they're going to regret it. Captain man gave me a new belt with more holsters. He gave me a stun gun so powerful it could fry someone's insides in less than a second. He also gave me an energy magnet that could pull the life out of something instantaneously. He gave me a few more things like that then he loaded up too bad we headed back up to the man cave. "Woah! Nice gear!" Charlotte said when she saw us. "Thanks. Let's go kid danger." We headed for the tubes. "And guys?" Charlotte said and we turned around. "Bring her back. Do whatever it takes to bring her back. Alive."

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