Chapter 1

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Not Edited.

Hope you like my this story.

This is going to be a very total different story from the other one.

Dedicated to Zoha who encouraged me to write this story. She was the first one whom I told about this story. LOVE YOU. And yes It was raining that day when I got the idea. :p

"Do you ever get the feeling that this life isn't yours? That you have to control? That everyone around you is living and you're just Breathing. Watching. Waiting." - S.J.B

Stacey's P.O.V.


All I could feel was pain in my entire body. I was curled up in a ball, my arms around my head to protect myself. Tears flowing down my cheeks, my heart was in severe pain of worries and sorrow. You must be thinking why was in this situation. Well my step dad came to my room when i was reading a book. He snatched the book from my hand and started beating me. He kicked me in the stomach, pulled my hair, slapped me on the face, twisted my arm and and again kicked. My left cheek stung from his slap.

He yelled at me because I forgot to make his Coffee.His glassy eyes digging holes right into my soul. I was beaten up for not making a coffee. I was tired of this daily routine. He would come up to my room, yell at me and beat me for no reason. I was his punching bag. When ever he got angry at anyone he would come and beat me. He would take out all his anger and flusteration on me. His mood oscillated very quickly.

I was tired of cleaning the entire house, yes house because it was not my home. Home is where you feel safe, home is where you can live happily, home is where you have family who loves you, Home is your Paradise and this house was a hell for me.

I was tired of washing the dishes. I was tired of mopping the floor. I was tired of being beaten up. I was tired of living like this. I was tired of living like a punching bag for an alcoholic, cruel and heartless man.

I was tired of my LIFE. I was plight.

Why does this happen to me? I have been asking this question for six years.

This has been the daily routine of my life that i get up early, clean the already cleaned house, wash the dishes. I don't know why he has so much hatred towards me? Why does he enjoy beating me? My head was spinning around and i was feeling dizzy and exhausted.

It's been five years that my mother died and left me with this hard-hearted man. Tears kept rolling down my cheeks and a sob left my mouth. I wiped the tears with the back of my hand.

My mother died when I was nine years old. She died in a car accident. I was there in the car with her but i survived with a broken arm and some bruises.

Since that day i have only wished that I should have died instead of her or I should have died with her so that I wouldn't have to bear all the pain and sorrows. My step father James was never like this before my mother's death. My biological father left my mother when was three months pregnant with me.

He thought I was a mistake she was carrying. It was a one night stand for him. My mother married James when I was two years old. He was so loving and caring nut he changed after mum's death. he became alcoholic.

He started blaming me for my mum's death because that day I was asking for a visit to the park as it was my birthday. it was raining that day and my father told us not to go but i was being stubborn forced her to take me. We were coming back home when our car slipped and a truck hit us from the right side where my mum was seated.

I think there is an Important reason for James to hate me because my mother had transferred all her property and money in my name but i couldn't have it until i turn eighteen. But that's what i think, there maybe an other reason too.

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